Chapter 64

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Kate pov...

"Are you okay?" Chris asks as i am getting ready... We are having dinner with Lisa tonight... We are going to tell her about the baby... We have gotten home to Bosten yesterday morning. I was happy to be back... This place felt like home... Comfortable and serene... The day before we left LA, we had a long talk about the future... Our future... Not that there really was anything to discuss... I am staying here... I am officially moving in here... People might think we are crazy... But we both wanted it... I did not want to be apart anymore... Especially now that we are having a baby together... Was it soon... Sure but we had lived together before and i know we could live together in harmony and be happy... Chris makes me happy... The past is the past... We had both let it go and agreed on starting over... Communication was key and i have to admit we are better at communicating now than when we were together before...  

A judge had officially signed off on me selling my old house. I had to keep half of the money aside for my ex. Chris had been angry about it. He did not think he deserved the money and although i agreed, i was happy i could finally get rid of the place. It was a small price to pay for my freedom...

It meant i could finally move on. Well... Partially... Elliot had still not been found and that was a scary thought. There was no guessing what he would do when the news would leak about me being pregnant again... The thought alone made me shiver. Chris kept suggesting on hiring a private investigator to see if he could find him and i had to admit... The idea grew on me, especially now that i am pregnant. 

"I am fine... Just a little nervous, i guess..." I say and Chris smiles steps behind me and looks at me through the mirror. "Dont be nervous, sweetheart... Ma is going to be ecstatic..." Chris says and i smile as he wraps his arms around me rubbing my belly... I am starting to show a little bit... I could still hide it, but it was there... The proof of the little Muppet in my belly. 

"I am not too worried about your mother..." I sigh and Chris looks a little confused at me through the mirror... "I am more worried about your brother, sisters and Tara..." I sigh again and he kisses my shoulder... "Everyone will be happy for us, sweetheart..." He mumbles... "You really think so... You dont think they will have reservations about this all?" I ask him and he smiles... "No... And even if they do... I dont... Do you?" He asks and i get the biggest smile on my face and blush... "Not one... I am happy..." I whisper and turn in his arms cup his face and kiss him with everything that i got... 

"That is all that matters, sweetheart... As long as we are happy, nothing else matters... You and i... And our little Muppet of course..." Chris murmurs after we break the kiss our foreheads still pressed together... "Besides... We are only telling ma tonight..." Chris says and i chuckle... "Chris... You are delusional if you think it will stay secret for long after telling her... She is going to slip up and tell someone..." I say smirking and he grins... "Probably..." He says and we stare at each other for a second before we both start laughing... 

"Maybe we should think about telling people before they hear it through someone else..." I whisper and Chris looks at me taking a deep breath... "Only if you are ready for that, sweetheart... If you are not ready, we can tell ma to really keep it to herself." Chris says and i smile... "I think i am ready... Besides... Can't hide the bump forever... At one point i will show..." I say and he gets the proudest smirk on his face before sinking to his knees. 

Chris lifts my shirt and plants a kiss on my belly. "Can't wait... You are going to be even more gorgeous than you already are..." He whispers and i blush... "Smooth Evans..." I mumble and he looks up with a grin... "Now go change we are already late..." I mumble and he chuckles but gets up and disappears in the closet...

I put on some perfume and fix my hair as Chris had messed it up. I check myself in the mirror one more time and take a deep breath... "She is going to be happy..." I mumble to myself... I know she will be but i am just scared of other's reactions... I know that telling Lisa will burst the little bubble that Chris and i are in... I am scared of other people's reactions... Especially Tara's... I think she has already figured it out... I mean the whole Chris and i being together thing... But i dont know how she will react when she hears we are having a baby together... I am scared of her reaction because i know she is protective... Protective about me and about Chris... She has been in the middle before and i think she will be annoyed... Still, it does not deter me from not being with Chris... I know it will be a mess... Knowing Tara she will have an opinion and will not be afraid to share that opinion...

I just hope she will be supportive and will not make any drama... The last thing i want is stress and risk losing this baby... I dont think i will survive losing this baby... I love this baby already so much. A little combination between me and Chris... I wish he or she will have his eyes... I can't wait to see Chris as a dad... He is going to be amazing... This kid is so lucky... I just wished Simon could have had him as a dad... I know Simon would still be alive if Chris had been his dad... He would have been loved... But i can't dwell on that... It will break me if i do... I have to look to the future and focus on the baby that i am carrying now... 

Chris walks back out. He has changed and i smile... God he looks hot... I bite my lip and shamelessly look him up and down... "Sweetheart... You can't look at me like that or we will never leave the house..." He says smirking as i bite my lip while i still look him up and down... "Look at you like what?" I ask biting my lip and trying to control my urges all the while feigning innocence... 

Chris chuckles, walks over to me and kisses me... "Like you want to eat me, sweetheart..." He whispers in my ear in a low sexy tone... I take a deep breath and shake it off... "We better get going then before i change my mind and have my way with you...." I whisper and Chris takes in a sharp breath... I chuckle and grab my purse before leaving the room. Dodger follows me while i leave Chris behind to get a hold of himself... These hormones are wild... If it where up to me, we would never leave the bed...

I walk to the hallway when i feel buzzing in my purse... I grab my phone and look a little confused as it is an anonymous call... I sigh and press decline... I dont know who it is but i never answer anonymous calls... The last thing i want is some pushy salesperson trying to sell me something... I have other things on my mind...

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