Ch. 300: Before the Wedding

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A day passed in the blink of an eye. For many, it was just an ordinary day during the National Day holiday. However, for Wei Hua and Cookie, it was a special day. Of course, for Wei Chen and Chen Li, it was also special, but Chen Li remained clueless, thinking today was just about being a groomsman.

The wedding took place in a hotel in the capital city. Sheng Jiaqi booked the largest banquet hall in the hotel, accommodating a hundred tables.

Despite prior expressions from Wei Hua and Cookie about wanting a low-key wedding, perhaps there was a generation gap. What Sheng Jiaqi understood as low-key might have been different from Wei Hua and Cookie's interpretation.

The banquet was scheduled to start at three in the afternoon. However, by two o'clock, various luxury cars had already parked in the hotel's parking lot. People descending from these cars were prominent figures in the capital's business circles.

With Sheng Jiaqi's many years of operation in the capital, his connections were substantial. Moreover, being part of the Sheng family, the son's wedding naturally attracted these big shots from the business world. Those who hadn't received an invitation were likely feeling anxious.

These business magnates were just a portion of the guests; another part comprised individuals from the political and military sectors of the capital. Although Sheng Jiaqi started out in the business world, the Sheng family behind him is not. Old Master Sheng was still sharp and spirited despite his age. The Sheng family's influence in the capital was as strong as their surname suggested.

Naturally, on this joyous occasion for the Sheng family, their associates and acquaintances were eager to attend.

At this moment, in the lounge, Cookie held his hands tightly together, occasionally glancing at the door. Even though the marriage certificate had been signed, and the wedding was about to take place, he felt a bit nervous.

In contrast, Chen Li, also dressed formally, seemed much more relaxed. Snacks were laid out in the lounge, and Chen Li casually picked up some. Whenever Cookie's gaze fell on him, Chen Li just continued munching away.

"Xiao Li, aren't you nervous at all?" Cookie couldn't help but ask. He knew Wei Chen and Chen Li were going to conduct the wedding together, but he was unaware that Chen Li was kept in the dark. Now, he was starting to admire Chen Li's composure.

Both were getting married, but how did Chen Li manage to stay so composed and calm?

Chen Li picked up a piece of cake and looked at Cookie with confusion. Why should he be nervous? He's just a groomsman today.

Cookie thought Chen Li was excessively composed and couldn't understand his feelings. He poked his hand again and took a sip of water from the table.

At that moment, the door to the lounge was pushed open, and a little kid's head popped in. As soon as he met Cookie's gaze, he flashed a big smile. "Daddy, you look so handsome!" With that, like a bullet, he dashed into Cookie's arms. Cookie hugged Little Biscuit in a small suit and planted a kiss on the boy's puffy cheeks. "Little Biscuit, you look handsome too!"

Sitting on Cookie's lap, Little Biscuit looked up at him. "Daddy, are you nervous?"

Cookie honestly nodded. "A little bit."

"Daddy, lower your head a bit, I have something to tell you." Little Biscuit made a mysteriously playful expression. Cookie obliged, and Little Biscuit whispered in his ear, "Big Daddy will pick you up outside, so don't worry."

"Okay, I won't be nervous," Cookie nodded, feeling oddly calmed by the message Wei Hua had Little Biscuit relay to him.

Once Little Biscuit completed his task, he hopped off Cookie's lap and scampered over to Chen Li. With a soft tone, he said, "Uncle Chen Li, you don't need to be nervous either."

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