Ch. 284: Completion of the Work

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After a passionate and satisfying intimate encounter, the couple found themselves surprisingly wide awake.

Wei Chen gently placed his ear on Chen Li's belly. Chen Li was almost six months pregnant, his belly visibly enlarged, allowing the little one inside to perceive changes in the outside world and respond.

At this moment, Wei Chen guessed the little one inside Chen Li's belly was quite lively. He placed his ear against his belly, softly communicating with the unborn child.

"Baby, do you miss Big Dad?" Wei Chen seemed cautious but radiated joy between his brows.

Perhaps hearing Wei Chen's voice, the little one extended a fist, creating a small imprint on Chen Li's belly that coincidentally landed on Wei Chen's face.

Wei Chen felt it and instantly registered surprise in his eyes-his child heard his voice!

This slight movement of the baby inside Chen Li's belly acted like a switch, triggering Wei Chen's talkative nature. He started chattering incessantly to the little one.

The baby cooperated, responding to Wei Chen's words with punches and kicks. Wei Chen even felt as if the baby was somersaulting.

This caused some discomfort for Chen Li. As the baby grew, its movements became more pronounced. These recent days, especially at night, the baby became active, kicking and tossing, often waking Chen Li up in pain. He would gently soothe the baby by caressing his belly.

Despite feeling a bit of discomfort, Chen Li felt happy seeing Wei Chen's excitement while talking to their unborn child. So, he disregarded the pain.

After chatting with the baby for a while, Wei Chen embraced Chen Li. The joy in his eyes hadn't faded as he kissed Chen Li's cheek, saying, "Li Li, you've worked hard."

Chen Li shook his head, "Not hard."

Indeed, it wasn't hard because the baby in his belly was the crystallization of their love, their child. So, amidst this happiness, the slight discomfort seemed less burdensome.

Later, the couple remained awake, discussing matters related to the baby until late into the night when Chen Li finally fell asleep in Wei Chen's embrace.

"Goodnight, Li Li." Wei Chen extended his hand to turn off the bedside lamp. In the darkness, he placed his hand on Chen Li's belly, "Goodnight, baby."

The baby seemed to sense something and kicked Wei Chen's hand gently. Wei Chen softly caressed Chen Li's taut belly, and soon enough, the baby inside fell asleep, no longer disturbing Chen Li.

The night passed quietly, and soon, it was morning again.

Wei Chen came back, and Chen Li felt like indulging in a lie-in again. Due to jet lag, Wei Chen hadn't woken up in the morning. Chen Yunlan had prepared breakfast, but seeing the two hadn't come downstairs, he let them continue sleeping.

Due to the time difference, Fang Yun woke up later. When she came downstairs and found that Chen Yunlan had prepared breakfast, she was surprised. After tasting the breakfast, she was even more astonished, unable to comprehend how Chen Yunlan, a young master, had such excellent culinary skills.

Fang Yun gave Chen Yunlan a thumbs-up for the meal.

Shortly after, Wei Wei also came down. Full of energy despite the time difference, the child had no trouble after breakfast and played around the estate with Carl and Mary's two kids. The estate was vast enough for the three children to play and run around freely.

After finishing breakfast, Fang Yun chatted with Chen Yunlan about simple matters, mostly revolving around Chen Li and Wei Chen.

Approaching noon, Chen Li and Wei Chen finally came downstairs. Chen Li even yawned loudly, clearly not having slept enough. However, hunger overcame the need for more sleep, forcing him awake.

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