Ch. 296: Made It to the News

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It turned out that due to the presence of several big shots visiting the art exhibition, the evening news broadcast of China TV at seven o'clock sharp would feature this news. To enrich the news, they naturally had to interview the creator of the paintings exhibited at this art show. Moreover, the creator of this art exhibition was absolutely qualified to be on the news.

So, before seven o'clock in the evening, they had to create this piece of news, which was why the interview with Chen Li had to happen on the same day.

After the reporter finished speaking, they earnestly thanked Chen Li for agreeing to the interview.

Once the reasons were explained, the interview began. Because they had gone through the script beforehand, Chen Li had a rough idea of the answers. During the interview, he gradually became less nervous and answered the reporter's questions very coherently.

The questions weren't difficult ones; they were about the inspiration behind the artwork and didn't touch on personal privacy. Consequently, Chen Li answered without any hesitation.

The interview went smoothly, and half an hour later, it concluded. The reporter left satisfied, carrying the material they had recorded for the day.

After the reporter's team left, Chen Li looked at Wei Chen with bright eyes. Wei Chen understood Chen Li's expression and reached out to ruffle Chen Li's hair. "Li Li, you did great."

Only then did Chen Li take Wei Chen's hand and leave together.

In the evening, after dinner, Chen Li sat in front of the TV, waiting for the news to begin. Wei Chen stayed with Chen Li, keeping him company.

It wasn't that the two of them were overly concerned; it was just that it was Chen Li's first time on television, which was a significant event. They wanted to witness it together.

Chen Yunlan got wind of this and joined them. His son was remarkable; he didn't appear on TV often, but when he did, it was on China TV's prime time news!

At seven o'clock, China TV's prime time news started, broadcast simultaneously across major TV networks. Shortly after it began, they featured Chen Li's art exhibition. Twenty paintings were showcased, each briefly highlighted, albeit for only a few seconds. Nevertheless, this glimpse was enough to pique people's curiosity.

The theme of Chen Li's art exhibition seamlessly matched with the National Day celebrations, naturally resulting in more coverage. When the notable figures appeared, the coverage increased further.

After displaying the exhibition's artwork, they aired Chen Li's interview. Despite a half-hour interview condensed into just one minute for the news, this one minute solely focused on Chen Li's face, presenting him to the nation in this manner.

In the video, Chen Li appeared calm. His gaze was serene, unexpectedly photogenic, and surprisingly good-looking.

As the one-minute news segment concluded, Chen Li's eyes sparkled. Being on TV felt like this; in reality, it wasn't much different from usual.

"Our Xiao Li is amazing!" After watching the news, Chen Yunlan couldn't help but praise, his eyes brimming with pride.

"Yeah," Wei Chen nodded in agreement. "Li Li is amazing."

Feeling praised by his family made Chen Li ecstatic, his eyes and brows couldn't help but curve upward, forming a broad smile.

Chen Yunlan, seeing Chen Li's smile, felt a sense of relief wash over him. The previous feeling of utter silence had now departed, and what lay ahead of him was no longer a dark, endless path but a bright and clear road.

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