Ch. 294: National Day Holiday

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In the blink of an eye, the National Day holiday arrived. Chen Li's themed art exhibition was also scheduled for this National Day and arrived as planned.

Despite being organized by the National Cultural Department, Chen Yunlan and Zhuge Yu found themselves extremely busy for about a week due to this exhibition. After all, it was Chen Li's first art exhibition, something both, as a father and as a teacher, considered highly important.

In the days leading up to the exhibition, the two held several admission tickets. Leveraging their connections, they distributed these tickets to many influential figures in the industry, extending invitations to numerous art magazine critics.

Given Chen Yunlan and Zhuge Yu's standing and reputation in the industry, those who received their personally sent invitations naturally respected them. Even amidst their busy schedules, they made time to attend this exhibition.

The first day of the exhibition was not open to the public; it required an invitation for entry. It wasn't until the following day that it became freely accessible to everyone interested.

The exhibition took place in a renowned art gallery in Beijing. The day before the National Day, the gallery underwent a complete transformation, with covered paintings displayed prominently.

Chen Li was aware that his exhibition was approaching. Until that National Day, he hadn't inquired much about the exhibition. Only on that day did he start feeling a hint of reality settling in.

"Are you going tomorrow?" Wei Chen tousled Chen Li's hair and asked.

Chen Li nodded, "Yes."

The theme of this exhibition was painted by Chen Li with great passion. Even now, when he recalled the emotions he had while creating these paintings, those feelings still surged within him.

Though Chen Li hadn't been actively involved in the preparations, he valued the exhibition. He even wanted to witness the impact after its conclusion.

"Alright, then I'll go with you tomorrow. We'll bring Qiuqiu along," Wei Chen said. Since it was the opening day and required admission tickets, and considering the limited crowd, taking Qiuqiu along wouldn't pose such significant security concerns.

"Okay," Chen Li replied, reaching out to gently tap Qiuqiu's sleeping, chubby face.


The next day, during the National Day holiday, the capital experienced a tourism peak. Every tourist spot was bustling with crowds.

The art gallery hosting Chen Li's exhibition was no exception. However, when hoards of tourists arrived, they were informed that the gallery was closed for the day and would officially open the next day.

Tourists came with excitement but left disappointed, wondering what significant event caused the usually open-for-365-days art gallery to suddenly close for a day.

Without admission tickets, the visiting tourists naturally remained unaware of the answer. However, those from various sectors who held the tickets were already inside the art gallery.

Soon enough, these individuals encountered an issue: the security measures for this exhibition were extremely robust. Upon entry, they had to pass through security checks with armed guards stationed every few steps, giving the impression that some important figure was about to arrive.

The exhibitors found themselves perplexed. Yet, facing the heavily armed guards, they had no choice but to comply with the security checks, down to having even a small lighter thoroughly inspected.

Was this still an art exhibition or some high-level meeting?

Once they passed through the security checks, a thought involuntarily crossed their minds: "Is this an exhibition or a gathering for leaders?"

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