Chapter 533 - 536

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The Eighth Fleet is Ambushed


The Eighth Fleet, which had decimated the escort fleet of the Calcutta landing convoy, was suddenly struck by artillery fire as it moved to attack the remaining ships. The lookout and surface radar's detection of the enemy fleet sent shockwaves through the Eighth Fleet's command center.

"An enemy fleet!?"

"At 20.000—!?"

Chief of Staff Rear Admiral Ogata's eyes widened.

"The sun hasn't even set yet, how the hell did we fail to notice the enemy fleet at that range!?"

Behind the Eighth Fleet, there was indeed an Otherworldly Empire, including large battleships. The fleet appeared to be sporting a different color than the usual ships, but—

"It's huge...!"

Even without binoculars, it was clear that the leading battleship was larger than a battleship leader.

"Three, no, four battleships. About ten cruisers, perhaps?"

"How did a fleet of this scale go undetected until now...?"

Vice Admiral Yoshikazu Endō muttered in suspicion.

"Prepare for battle! Turn the rudder and block the enemy's path!"

"Hard to port!"

"Incoming enemy gunfire!"

The roaring sound resembled that of a Yamato-class or perhaps a Harima-class, and the black smoke from the cannon momentarily obscured the ship.

At that moment, Captain Kyūzō Ōiwa in command of the Settsu gasped.

"Deploy defensive barriers!"

He remembered that the barriers had been deactivated since the previous battle. But it was too late. The shell fired by the enemy's large battleship flew at a shallow angle, a low trajectory of 20.000 meters, and directly hit the base of the Settsu's bridge.

The explosion was instantaneous. The bridge was obliterated in an instant, killing Vice Admiral Endō, Chief of Staff Ogata, and the rest of the headquarters.

. . .

Appearing behind the Eighth Fleet was the Purple Star Fleet commanded by Admiral Volk Thesis.

Having raided the entire Southeast Asia region and eluded the Ninth Fleet with single-ship maneuvers, the super battleship Gigarkos, which had vanished into the Indian Ocean, had regrouped with Vice Admiral Schallager's unit, which had also attacked Japanese bases in Southeast Asia, and was now engaged in a joint operation.

"One hit on the enemy battleship. It seems to have struck the bridge."

"If that is their flagship, it must be in quite a dire situation by now, wouldn't you say?" said Chief of Staff Jog Neon.

Admiral Volk Thesis, seated in the fleet commander's chair, spoke up.

"We caught them by surprise. It has to cause chaos, or it means nothing."

The Purple Star Fleet had the ability to disappear from view using cloaking technology. While their allies were conducting operations to capture Ceylon and Calcutta, they had acted as insurance and came to strike the Japanese fleet, which was positioned to become an obstacle.

The Resurrected Fleet: Isekai World War 1942Where stories live. Discover now