Chapter 496 - 500

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The Fleeing Battleship Leader


After completing the Solomon campaign, the Combined Fleet's main force teleported back to Japan for resupply and reorganization.

In the 1st Mobile Fleet, the remaining cruiser forces were reassigned to fill the gaps in the units that served as the vanguard. Currently, the fleet has become entirely focused on air power, with a concentration on aircraft carriers and anti-aircraft vessels. In this context, Rear Admiral Sadatoshi Tomioka, the Chief of Staff of the Southeast Area Fleet, visited Rear Admiral Shinmei, the Chief of Staff of the 1st Mobile Fleet and his contemporary.

"Sorry to bother you while you're busy, Shinmei."

"Likewise. This isn't just casual chit-chat, is it? What's the matter?" Shinmei responded calmly.

The 1st Mobile Fleet was preparing for operations in the Indian Ocean, and Tomioka's Southeast Area Fleet needed to keep a close watch on the Otherworldly Empire in the South Pacific.

"Actually, before the Battle of Florida Island, the enemy's battleship leader withdrew from the front lines with minimal escort..."

Tomioka's words reminded Shinmei of a particular report.

"Oh, you mean the report that the Hōshō attack group that destroyed the Gate delivered a blow to the enemy flagship?"

The Megistos-class super-dreadnought battleship, Apeiron, which had been the flagship of the South Sea Fleet, was suddenly attacked by a Reppū Kai just before the decisive battle with the Combined Fleet. Although the ship's navigation was unimpeded, its combat effectiveness suffered severe damage, causing it to vanish from the battlefield.

"Is there a problem with that?"

"Yes, that battleship leader is now moving towards Australia," Tomioka answered. "The Southeast Area Fleet believes we should deal with this battleship while it's still unescorted."

"...Yeah, having a 43-centimeter gun battleship wandering around is a nuisance, alright."

The Eighth Fleet of the Southeast Area Fleet does have battleships, but only two ships with 41 cm guns. Even though its combat power was reduced, engaging in a serious artillery duel against it could lead to an unfortunate lucky hit and disastrous consequences. So, the next option would be air attacks, but...

"Priority for ammunition replenishment goes to the fleet deployed in the Indian Ocean. We need to carefully consider the use of our bombs and shells."


Shinmei began to understand why Tomioka had come.

"In other words, you want to deal with it but are seeking advice on how to do so efficiently?"

"That's right," Tomioka nodded. "The Eighth Fleet doesn't have any surprise attack units, and the 11th Air Fleet only has a few aircraft. However, as I mentioned earlier, the barrier-penetrating weapons are prioritized for the fleet heading to the Indian Ocean. If we use conventional warheads and try to sink it directly, we risk depleting our resources to the extent that it could impact future operations."

Yet, leaving such a significant target unchecked seems wasteful. What a conundrum.

"How about using experimental weapons from the MRD, if available?"

If there were such conveniently useful weapons, it wouldn't be so difficult. Shinmei thought but didn't say it out loud. Instead, he considered what could be used to deal with a Megistos-class battleship.

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