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Mark turns the key in the door, and walks in.

Scott looks over from where he's sitting, on the couch. "Hey, sweetheart!" He grins. "How was your day?"

Mark sighs, putting his keys on the hook. "Good," he decides. "Nothing out of the ordinary, just a little sleepy."

Scott pats the cushion beside him. "Come take a nap over here, baby." He offers.

"That sounds so nice right now." Mark says, He takes off his shoes, and sits down on the couch, next to Scott. "Hi, honey," he smiles, a slight blush tinting his cheeks.

"Hi there," Scott says, earning a giggle from Mark.

Mark leans in to kiss Scott, long overdue, since he didn't get a kiss this morning.

Mark hums happily when it ends, and leans his head on Scott's shoulder. "How was your day, baby?" He asks.

"It was good!" Scott says. "The kids were excited today was Friday, and I was able to put on a movie after their quizzes each period."

"What movie did you put on?" Mark asks.

"Inside Out."

"Oooh, good movie."


Mark sits back up. "Can I lay down on you?" He asks.

"Sure, baby," Scott un-crosses his legs so they're flat on the floor. "You can lay down on my lap," he says.

Mark looks at Scott's lap, then back up at his face. "Can I have another kiss first?" He asks.

"Well, if you say please." Scott teases.

"Kiss, please?" Mark asks, and Scott is happy to comply.

Mark lays his head down in Scott's lap, sighing as he relaxes.

"Are you gonna sleep for a little bit, honey?" Scott asks.

"Mhm," Mark says, shutting his eyes.

"Here," Scott reaches for the blanket that's resting on the arm of the couch, and spreads it over Mark. "Comfy?"

Mark nuzzles into the blanket. "Perfect, baby. Thank you."

Scott runs his hand along Mark's shoulder and arm, soothing him to sleep. "I'll be here when you wake up, okay?"


"Hey, Marky?"


"I love you. Get a good nap, okay?"

Although sleepy, Mark smiles. "Love you too, baby."

About 30 minutes later:

"Sweetheart?" Scott asks. "You should wake up, Marky."

"Mm-mm." Mark hums.

Scott chuckles. "You won't sleep well tonight if you sleep any longer," he says.

"Ugghhhhh," Mark groans, rubbing his eyes, and sitting up.

Scott smiles at his sleepy fiancé. "Welcome back," he says.

Mark giggles. "Thanks, baby." He says.

Scott kisses Mark's forehead. "What should we have for dinner?"

"Oooh, how about I make those broccoli chicken foils?" Mark asks.

Scott smiles at Mark. "Sounds perfect," he says.

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