Chapter 407 The Legacy Of Flamel

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In comparison to the treasure keys left by Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw without clues, Slytherin posed a challenge here, but the clues were very obvious.

Firstly, Slytherin had a special vault numbered as 1 beneath Gringotts, on the island surrounded by magma in the deepest part of the earth.

Under the supervision of the goblins, the vault had not been opened for almost a thousand years. The scepter was supposed to be hidden inside.

Secondly, Evan had previously obtained the plaque left by Salazar in the underground remains.

With Harry's assistance, all the words engraved in the Language of the Serpents had been deciphered.

There was also a map behind it, leading to the ancient Temple in ancient Greece where Slytherin had encountered the evil god created by Herpo the Foul.

The last ancient wizard in the history of magic and the root of the evilest magic known to modern wizards, Herpo the Malevolent, was surely there.

Perhaps Slytherin was there searching for the Serpent Scepter?

In any case, it was necessary to explore that temple.

In addition to Slytherin's Locket hanging from Evan's chest, he also knew the whereabouts of two other objects left by Slytherin.

As one of the Horcruxes, the Ring set with the Resurrection Stone was hidden by Voldemort in the Gaunt shack. After the Philosopher's Stone adventure, he planned to go retrieve it.

But the curse Voldemort left him was not a minor issue.

If it weren't for Dumbledore by his side, Evan didn't believe he would have many chances to break it.

As for Slytherin's wand, it was kept by his vampire descendants for generations.

If Elaine's prophecy turned out to be true, then Evan would likely be the one destined to help them solve their problems.

It wouldn't be long before they took the initiative to meet him.

With so many clues, obtaining that serpent scepter shouldn't be impossible, but it would be quite troublesome and challenging.

The first part of the book had Flamel's research as a reference. He just needed to learn it to master it.

There were also some clues to decipher the second part.

Evan continued flipping through the pages.

On the first page of the third section, there was no text above.

But there was no pattern. There was a dark mass, like a large ink drop, covering almost everything on the page.

Evan turned the page, and the following pages were the same. All dark and unclear. He looked at them for a while and couldn't see any clues.

The black ink on the pages seemed to have magic. Evan simply stared at it for a while and felt his soul being absorbed and drawn into the book.

"This is the power of magic. This book is resisting our attempts to read further. Only when we truly understand the second part will we be able to see the content beyond it."

Flamel's voice came at just the right moment, interrupting Evan's thoughts.

He looked up and gazed at the magic book in his hand. Only then did he realize he had been too careless and hadn't considered the danger of the book.

The impact of reading "The Book of Abraham," and the fact that Flamel had studied it for over 600 years, caused Evan to overlook that the book itself was a legendary magical object, and that its content was not as simple as it seemed.

"The first part of this book is about alchemy. You need to understand the meaning of this part before you can continue studying what lies beyond. Alchemy is the foundation for deciphering Abraham's magical legacy." Flamel took a step forward, turned the pages back to the first page, and pointed at the Philosopher's Stone above. "Remember, the Philosopher's Stone is the key to everything. Of course, you can also choose to use alchemy to transform it and attain immortality and wealth. I won't blame you if you decide to do so, but I hope you choose a qualified successor and pass the book on if that were to happen."

Under Flamel's gaze, Evan solemnly nodded.

Despite the temptations of immortality and wealth, he wanted to stand firm until the end and uncover what kind of magic and secrets Abraham had left in the book.

Furthermore, he had a sense that as the Secret Treasure left by the Four Founders of Hogwarts gradually intersected with "The Book of Abraham," the hidden parts of the book would play a vital role at critical moments.

"Very well, this book is yours!" Flamel stared long at Evan, slowly placing "The Book of Abraham" into his hands.

He softly sighed as if he had fulfilled his final wish in life.

"To not steer you off course, I cannot impart my findings to you," Flamel said slowly. "But as someone experienced, I can give you some advice to help you shorten the study of the first part."

Evan focused on what Flamel was about to say next.

"First is the ancient magical inscription within it. If you follow it word for word, it will take you hundreds of years to find the inscriptions in hundreds of ancient books," Flamel said, pulling out a thick scroll from the gray cloth bag he carried. "This is my research manuscript. I call it 'The Pictographic Dictionary.' It should be of use to you."

Evan took "The Pictographic Dictionary" and glanced at it briefly.

This manuscript held extraordinary significance. Not only did it record a plethora of ancient magical words that had been deciphered, but also Flamel's expertise in alchemy.

Upon receiving "The Book of Abraham," Evan became its sole successor.

He had to unravel the secrets left by the ancient sorcerer Abraham on behalf of Flamel and accomplish what he had not.

In this way, acquiring "The Pictographic Dictionary" was truly inheriting Flamel's legacy.

Although in the present era, the primary way to acquire magical knowledge was by entering magic schools, some special forms of magic were still passed down within pure-blooded wizarding families, and some of them through this ancient form of mentoring.

Evan formally bowed before Flamel, paying homage as a humble apprentice.

"You need to stay at Beauxbatons for a month. I will personally teach you the basics of ancient magic and alchemy, so you will have the sufficient ability to study on your own in the future," Flamel helped Evan up. "I have spoken with Albus about this, and we also need time to confirm leads on the whereabouts of the remaining part of the Philosopher's Stone."

Evan nodded, seeming poised to spend most of his summer vacation at Beauxbatons.

Being able to follow Flamel's teachings was a rare honor and opportunity.

As the world's oldest wizard, not only was he the most powerful alchemist, but he also knew much about other forms of magic and secrets beyond imagination.

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