Chapter 481 The Great Chaos!

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No one knew where Barty Crouch was, nor what was happening below.

According to the program, it should have been time for the awards ceremony and celebration.

Under a dazzling white light, the Honor Box was magically illuminated.

Even two panting wizards carried a vast golden cup to the box, which was the Quidditch Cup.

But at that moment, silence reigned in the small box.

No one cared about the Quidditch Cup; all were focused on the deafening screams below.

Unlike the previous voices fueling the dispute, these screams were turning increasingly tragic, becoming howls of pain and cries for help.

The faces of several respected high-ranking wizards paled; they had never faced such a situation before.

Below, when they were suddenly attacked, the initial reaction of most wizards was to draw their wands and counterattack.

But they could not find the enemy. There were so many people below, and 100,000 spectators crowded into such a small space. This was turning into a disaster, and spells cast in panic were only harming more innocent people.

Ministry of Magic officials were trying in vain to maintain order, but no one was heeding them.

Faced with so many people, they were now like a ship at sea, pushed and jostled by the helpless crowd.

Wizards with dark red hoods laughed uproariously and wreaked havoc with powerful magic.

The battle was intensifying and spreading rapidly. The magical power of the spells was growing stronger. On the field, Goblins and Veelas stopped and watched in horror.

What were mere disputes between followers moments before had now fully heated up and turned into a war.

Red, blue, and white magical lightning bolts constantly flickered, mixed with dark green magical light.

Evan could be sure he had seen the Unforgivable Curse and the Cruciatus Curse among them.

But that was not all; explosions were occasionally heard in the stands.

Most wizards with little fighting ability were howling in despair, running around like flies.

Children cried, the nervous shouts of people, anxiety, and cries of pain echoed on the field.

Minutes after the match, the place shifted from a site of joy to a living hell, with horrifying scenes unfolding.

The crowd was trying to flee the stadium, doing everything possible to escape.

This area was protected by magic. They could not use magic like Apparition. Escaping was the only hope.

Hundreds of wizards with dark red hoods and icy breath were among the crowd, using dark magic.

They were sowing chaos and impeding everyone's escape.

Several other wizards began taking advantage of the conflict to steal from those nearby, and the scene turned into complete chaos.

Among them, a small group of people was particularly conspicuous.

They too wore masks and hoods, quickly gathering from the stands to the main aisle.

From above, Evan could clearly see these Dark wizards seemed ready to join forces and surge upward.

Their target was here, the highest box!

These individuals were definitely vampires, and Evan even recognized their leader, Caresius.

Their magical power was extraordinarily strong, virtually unstoppable.

They surely aimed to rush to rescue Barty Crouch Jr. and likely had Harry in their sights.

It was complete chaos. Evan did not expect Voldemort to act so ruthlessly with the help of vampires.

He managed to instigate such a large-scale battle, completely disregarding everyone's lives.

When everyone was most relaxed and the defense was weakest, he decided to act, in the simplest and most brutal way!

Everything was too sudden, and when it all ended, the disordered Ministry of Magic might not even find a clue.

Once again, would Voldemort, having regained his strength and returned, fear the Ministry of Magic?

"What should we do now?" Hermione asked in a panic.

"Get your wand!" Evan gasped and drew his wand.

Sirius and Mr. Weasley were missing; they had to prepare for battle.

They all drew their wands, and only Harry kept searching.

He rummaged through his jacket pockets for his wand, but it had disappeared. All he could find were his Omnioculars.

"I lost my wand!" shouted Harry. "How is this possible? I just saw it!"

"It can't be!" Ron and Hermione hurried to help Harry find his wand. Everyone was nervous.

Evan knew where his wand was, and he looked towards the house-elf Winky.

After entering that box, Harry was there talking to Winky.

However, there was no one there, and Winky and Barty Crouch Jr. had disappeared.

Inside the box, someone shouted and fled, and the door opened.

Barty Crouch Jr. must have seized the opportunity to take Harry's wand or to Disapparate with Winky. The magic of a house-elf was different from that of a wizard.

Wizards are forbidden to use Apparition on competition grounds, but house-elves could.

Evan closed his eyes and felt that Barty Crouch Jr. was still close. He was following the crowd fleeing down, very fast.

Evan didn't have the energy to pay more attention to that type, and the other people in the box were also in turmoil.

The goal of the dark wizards in red hoods was the box, and everyone was like ants in a hot pot.

They had no intention of staying but of hastily fleeing before the others went up.

Fudge, Ludo, the Malfoy family, and the Bulgarian Minister of Magic quickly left under the escort of several Aurors. Before leaving, they asked Evan and the others to follow them and be ready to flee with them.

Evan hesitated and didn't move. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, and George didn't even blink.

Caresius was no fool. His target was Harry.

It was simply the same as going to one's death and going down with so many people.

Evan did not believe that Fudge and the Ministry of Magic Aurors would be of much use against dangerous vampires, but obviously, it was impossible to stay here. Without the help of ministry officials and Aurors, Evan and the others would not stand a chance.

Although Evan had thought about taking advantage of being in a high place, that advantage was nullified by staying alone. Staying here was like waiting for death.

"Evan, what should we do?" Hermione asked again.

"We are all ears!" said Harry directly. "We will do as you say!"

Ron, Fred, and George looked at all the representatives of the Ministry of Magic who had left and nodded hesitantly. Evan's past experience and performance made everyone choose to believe in him.

At that moment, he was the pillar of the place.

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