Chapter 559 Crouch's Hatred

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"Am I imagining things, right?" growled Moody. "Then, can you refute what Evan just said now?!"

"I can clearly see that you have given this a lot of thought," said Karkaroff coldly, "You and Evan Mason, and this boy, are clearly very skilled in this kind of matters. If someone confused the Goblet of Fire, it was you."

"If I had, I would have made Evan a champion. There is no young wizard here who would pose a challenge to him. He would definitely win the championship," retorted Moody, "Isn't that right? Otherwise, they wouldn't have deliberately excluded him from competing. This is despicable cowardice."

Neither Karkaroff nor Madame Maxime spoke, and there was no way to refute Moody. Both knew Evan's strength.

After the World Cup, Evan was now very famous within European wizarding circles.

If any of the students in their schools could surpass Evan, they wouldn't have singled him out to exclude him from the tournament.

Compared to Evan, Ron was truly insignificant. Everyone could sense the meager magic in him.

As Snape put it, the boy's head was empty and he was a complete fool.

Even Karkaroff himself didn't believe Ron could overcome the tournament challenges.

"To make Weasley a champion may seem like a harmless act in favor of Hogwarts, but do not forget, there are those who will seize innocent opportunities in their favor!" retorted Moody threateningly, "It is my job to think like dark wizards, Karkaroff... as you should remember."

"Alastor!" said Dumbledore warningly.

Moody fell silent, though he continued to watch Karkaroff with satisfaction. Karkaroff's face was flushed, and he did not dare to look at him at all.

"There is no point in arguing. We must obey the rules!" Mr. Crouch said softly, finally making a decision about it.


"Madame Maxime, if you have an alternative, I would be happy to hear it," Mr. Crouch said, stepping into the center of the room. He carefully observed Ron with a cold gaze. "This boy must compete. There will be a reasonable written explanation for this to the Ministry of Magic in your two countries."

"Thank you, Barty!" Dumbledore nodded at Mr. Crouch. He addressed all those gathered in the room, "How this situation unfolded, we do not know. However, it seems we have no choice but to accept it. Both Cedric and Ron have been chosen to compete in the tournament."

Madame Maxime did not speak, she simply glared. Snape also looked furious, and Karkaroff was incensed. Bagman, however, seemed quite excited.

Evan breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed the problem had ended. Now it was up to Barty Crouch Jr.

He looked back at Mr. Crouch, whose slender body looked extremely peculiar.

Crouch was staring at Harry and noticed Evan's gaze. He turned and looked at Evan.

It was the first time they had locked eyes. Neither looked away, as if trying to see into the other.

Evan didn't know what Crouch saw in his own eyes, but in his indifferent gaze, he saw traces of madness and monstrous hatred.

He seemed eager to draw his wand and kill everyone here.

Evan could clearly feel that this man was a lunatic, a dangerously dangerous maniac!

The expression was fleeting, and in the blink of an eye, Crouch returned to his former appearance.

"Well, shall we begin then?" said Bagman, rubbing his hands together and looking at the people in the room with a smile. "We must give instructions to our champions, right? The other three children..."

"Let them stay here, there is nothing to keep secret about this matter!" said Mr. Crouch.

"Alright, champions, listen, the first task is designed to test your bravery," Bagman said to Ron, Cedric, Fleur, and Viktor. "So we won't tell you what it is. Bravery in the face of the unknown is an important quality in a wizard... very important. I hope you can understand this."

"The first task will take place on November 24, in front of the other students and the panel of judges."

"Champions are not allowed to seek or accept help of any kind from their professors to complete the tasks in the tournament. The champions will face the first challenge armed only with their wands. They will receive information about the second task once the first one is over. Due to the demanding and consuming nature of the tournament, the champions will be exempt from end-of-year exams."

Bagman said it in one go, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and turned to look at Crouch.

"I believe that's all. Do you have anything to add?"

Crouch shook his head and returned to his position in front of the fire, as if he held a special fondness for it.

"Are you sure you wouldn't stay at Hogwarts tonight, Barty?" Dumbledore said, looking at Mr. Crouch with slight concern.

"No, Dumbledore, I must return to the Ministry!" Mr. Crouch said. "You see, it's a very busy and challenging time right now. I have to prepare a detailed report for Fudge about tonight... I've left Weatherby in charge... very eager... a bit too eager, truth be told."

"Would you at least come for a drink before you go?" Dumbledore said.

"Come on, Barty, I'll stay!" Bagman said cheerfully. "Everything is happening at Hogwarts now, you know, much more thrilling here than at the office!"

"I don't think so, Ludo. I can't stay here," Crouch said with a hint of his former impatience. "There are so many things awaiting me to be done." He turned immediately and left the room. Snape followed him.

Watching his back, Evan quickly pondered.

If Barty Crouch Jr. had deceived him, then he would soon appear if he didn't leave.

The discussion lasted a long time. If he didn't take the Polyjuice Potion again, unless he wasn't using the Potion to disguise himself, it would soon be too late.

In this case, it was understandable that he was in a hurry to leave Hogwarts. Crouch was not Moody and couldn't drink from his flask all the time. If he chatted with Dumbledore for a while, he wouldn't have time to secretly drink the Polyjuice Potion.

Anyway, things had ended here.

While unaware of the conspiracy at hand, Ron became a champion with his assistance, leaving the rest to be handled by Caresius.

Moody could assist Ron without arousing suspicion.

There was no need for Bartemius Crouch, Jr. to risk his life at school as long as he could appear at the last minute.

However, when pondering the manic light in Crouch's eyes, Evan sensed things wouldn't be so straightforward.

"Professor Karkaroff, Madame Maxime, a drink?" Dumbledore said.

Madame Maxime ignored him. She had already wrapped her arm around Fleur's shoulders and was swiftly leading her out of the room.

As they made their way to the Great Hall, they were speaking rapidly in French, their expressions grim.

The same was true for Karkaroff, who gestured to Krum.

Krum merely looked up and drank a small vial of supplements. His face bearing a somber countenance, he followed Karkaroff without uttering a word.

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