Chapter 534 Extra Tutoring After Class

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In a matter of weeks, these Explosively Tipped Skrewts began to develop a kind of thick, greyish, shiny armor.

This armor was covered in hard spikes and gradually enveloped their entire bodies.

They resembled a mix between giant scorpions and elongated crabs that emitted liquid from their tails.

An explosion of flames would propel them several meters in the opposite direction and burn any unsuspecting student.

Evan secretly tested that the magical resistance of the Skrewts was very strong, and their shells could withstand many low-level spells.

These traits were inherited from the Manticore, along with its aggressiveness.

Talking about the Manticore, it's important to mention that after several detailed investigations, Evan finally discovered the exact location of the creature Hagrid had talked about.

Thinking about the mysterious temple covered in mud and built by the ancient sorcerer, he couldn't wait to explore it.

Whether to pay homage to ancient relics or to uncover the secrets of malevolent spirits, it was worth going there. And the sooner, the better; he shouldn't delay it too much.

Despite the real danger posed by the Manticore, Evan had a plan to confront it. He already knew its habits thanks to Hagrid and was prepared.

Furthermore, with the presence of a powerful figure like Caresius, security would be ensured.

Of course, Evan didn't fully trust Caresius. However, this powerful vampire was now his ally. He kept his secrets, didn't reveal his infiltration into Hogwarts like Moody, and helped him fulfill Voldemort's mission.

In return, Caresius should be able to help Evan deal with a magical creature. Caresius was a free bodyguard for a reason.

If it had been before they became allies, Evan would never have dared to do this, to go on an expedition accompanied by a vampire. Surely, he wouldn't have wanted to have a threat behind him when facing another danger...

But now there were no qualms, not that Evan trusted the vampire's guarantee completely, but he believed in the power of magic. After a deep communication that day, Evan and Caresius concluded a fair magical alliance contract. If either of them violated it, Caresius would pay a hefty price.

During the third weekend after the start of classes, Evan arrived early at the edge of the Forbidden Forest to wait.

Half an hour later, Moody limped up with a crutch and a package in hand.

He was very alert, his magical eyes rotating quickly to ensure he wasn't being followed.

"You better keep a lower profile now, lad!" Moody said gruffly, looking at Evan disapprovingly.

"Of course, but I believe our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor shouldn't object to giving his best student some extra tutoring after class, don't you think?!" Evan said, looking at him, "Did you bring everything I requested?"

"Here it is," Moody said unsatisfied, waving the package in his hand, with his eyes blinking, making his face look more twisted than usual, "Tutoring after classes? According to the progress of my course, you should be practicing resisting the damn Imperius Curse instead of venturing into the Forbidden Forest and antagonizing the Manticore, whatever that is."

"I can now counteract that curse. Your class schedule is not suitable for me, and it doesn't make sense for me to follow it," replied Evan, "Well, we better hurry. I found someone who will help us save time."

"What, there's someone else..." Before finishing, he abruptly stopped.

He saw Evan pulling a Hippogriff from between the bushes with a leather collar around its neck.

"Meet Buckbeak!" Evan said calmly.

Buckbeak turned its large sharp head, and its furious orange eyes glared at Caresius, the fake Moody.

After Evan had saved Buckbeak last semester, Hagrid had been keeping him close to his hut.

As one of the additional conditions for Buckbeak's absolution, the Committee for the Eradication of Dangerous Creatures required Hagrid to ensure that Buckbeak did not harm anyone. Therefore, he had to keep the Hippogriff by his side. It was evident that Hagrid was very willing to do so.

Now Buckbeak was very close to Evan, who had once ridden him in the Arachnid territory.

The deep swamp in the Forbidden Forest was far from there, and Evan and Caresius could not leave the castle for long to avoid any unwanted attention.

With Buckbeak's help, there was naturally no problem. It would take them about thirty minutes to get there.

Prompted by Evan, Caresius reluctantly communicated with Buckbeak and then turned and sat on its back.

He had not taken the Polyjuice Potion for an hour, and his appearance changed as soon as he sat on it. The scars on his face gradually disappeared, and his skin became pale and smooth.

His incomplete nose lengthened and narrowed, and his long gray mane shortened and turned black. Suddenly, with a snap, the wooden leg fell to the side, and a real leg grew.

Then, the magical eye popped out of its socket, and a real red eye took its place.

The magical eye fell into Caresius's hand and was still rolling.

He had returned to the image in Evan's memory, a pale and handsome face with a trace of wickedness.

With some disdain in his eyes, there was tremendous power in the gestures of his hands and feet.

"Hurry up!" demanded Caresius. "It would be foolish if we were discovered here!"

Evan quickly climbed up and sat in front of Caresius.

Buckbeak's twelve-foot wings spread out beside them and soared high.

The wings flapped constantly, countless green branches and leaves rapidly receding, and Hogwarts castle rapidly shrinking.

Buckbeak flew very fast, and after crossing the wide, smooth sea of trees, Evan soon saw the colony of the Centaurs on the hill.

Since the last time it was late at night, Evan now saw for the first time the complete view of the Centaurs' colony.

Rows of low wooden huts lined up neatly, extending from all directions towards the huge central Temple of the Moon.

Buckbeak did not pass through the Centaurs' colony. There was magic in it to protect and prevent all flying creatures from approaching. Evan knew it was the great magic carved on the pinnacle of the Temple of the Moon.

That magic could absorb the power of the stars and act as a magical supplement to protect the entire temple.

Buckbeak let out a faint cry, circling around the colony of Centaurs and veered in one direction, flying towards the other side of the hill.

Below, the trees grew sparse, giving way to an expansive swamp that seemed to stretch endlessly into the distance.

The surface and subsoil of the swamps were excessively damp, giving rise to many unique wetland and marsh plants.

Although it was still daytime, there was a subtle mist of unknown origin.

It spread across the marshes, adding a sense of mystery to the place.


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