Chapter 408 The Emerald Tablet

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To delve deeper into alchemy later on, I suggest you go to Egypt, Flamel continued. The sorcerers there gathered a piece of stone called the Emerald Tablet, which contains the alchemical knowledge compiled by the ancient Egyptian pharaohs. It will aid you in better understanding this book.

Indeed, all the ancient Egyptian pharaohs were powerful ancestral sorcerers.

They stood out in their time, holding absolute reign over ancient Egypt. With the help of sacrifices, they compelled various slaves to construct enormous temples and mausoleums.

Upon their death, they also attempted resurrection through necromantic magic to achieve immortality.

In this context, alchemy also originated in ancient Egypt. It was the most direct product of the pharaohs' pursuit of immortality.

Evan had already heard of the Emerald Tablet before.

In many ancient magical manuscripts, he came across records related to this Tablet.

As early as 1350 B.C., this legendary Tablet was discovered by several adventurers in a secret chamber beneath the Pyramid of the Pharaoh Hermes in ancient Egypt.

It has been preserved and inherited in the world of Egyptian magic since its inception.

This Tablet is recognized as the oldest literature on alchemy and the most direct evidence that ancient sorcerers once existed. It holds extraordinary value and significance.

During the Middle Ages, all alchemists possessed a transcription of the emerald records hanging in their workshops, serving as the definitive guide they needed.

Among the available materials today, the Emerald Tablet is known to include 13 proverbs related to alchemy, which are acknowledged as the foundation of alchemy.

Its author is said to be the god Thoth.

Thoth was the god of wisdom and learning in Egyptian mythology, tasked with overseeing the moon and the underworld.

While in Muggle history he was considered an ancient Egyptian deity, in the world of magic, Thoth was an ancient sorcerer who existed in early human history and was extremely powerful. His strength and status were not inferior to those of the prophet Abraham.

In addition to creating the "Emerald Tablet," he was also the author of the legendary Egyptian magical classic "The Book of the Dead."

This book records many spells of dark magic, all related to gruesome necromancy.

According to legend, those who could comprehend the magic inscribed in this book could truly attain eternal life, possess an immortal body, and become living gods.

Of course, the original of this legendary magic book has been lost in the stream of history.

The current "Book of the Dead" is only a fragment, later excavated by the tomb wizards of the high priests of Thebes in the 18th Dynasty of Egypt.

Nevertheless, this book remains the deepest book of dark magic.

Even many of the dark magic archetypes documented in "Secrets of the Darkest Art" and the fundamental knowledge involved in the process of refining the Horcrux also stem from the "Book of the Dead."

This was sufficient to perceive the value of these two legendary magic books.

"I will write you a letter so that the Ministry of Magic in Egypt allows you to consult the 'Emerald Tablet,' from which you will undoubtedly gain more than you anticipate," Flamel said. "The inscriptions on that Tablet are also ancient words of magic. Before that, you must master enough magical words."

Most of the magic books passed down from antiquity are recorded in ancient magical texts. To study them, one must become well-versed in ancient magical texts.

Flamel was currently the most proficient master in ancient magic script in the world, which added value to the opportunity to learn from him.

Evan was to cherish it; he hoped to acquire all of Flamel's knowledge in a month.

But he knew he couldn't, yet he could at least jot down as much as he could.

"We should be leaving; Albus should have finished the dessert I prepared for him as well," said Flamel. "You can put them in this bag and take them with you."

He unfolded the gray fabric bag around his waist and handed it to Evan.

Evan placed the two magical books in it. This special fabric had been transformed by Flamel through alchemy and the Undetectable Extension Charm, possessing a great capacity.

Additionally, it also had a protective magic, preventing it from getting lost or stolen by the owner.

That was exactly what Evan needed. He had been trying to learn the Undetectable Extension Charm, but it was very complex magic. He had tried many times unsuccessfully.

When Evan entered Flamel's office, he saw Dumbledore sitting at a round table not far from the stove.

With a steaming cup of coffee in hand, he smiled at Flamel and Evan as if he knew everything.

His blue eyes landed on Evan. He didn't inquire if he had succeeded or why they had taken so long.

"Nicolas, thank you for the cake. It is truly delicious!" Dumbledore stood up, smiled, and said, "You must have seen the Philosopher's Stone in Evan. What do you think?"

"Undoubtedly, that Philosopher's Stone has a very strong, very pure energy, its texture is much better than my previous one," Flamel said as he poured a cup of coffee. "As soon as the rest is found and the Philosopher's Stone regains its integrity, you will be able to use its power to break Evan's curse without any problem."

"Well, the issue now is the whereabouts of the rest," Dumbledore said calmly. "I already have leads. And while tracking the footsteps of the Centaurs to find the Philosopher's Stone, I also obtained very interesting information. It seems we will not be alone in the remainder of the journey."

Evan narrowed his eyes. Dumbledore seemed to have something to say.

Where the hell had the fallen Centaurs taken the Philosopher's Stone, and what kind of interest could it arouse in Dumbledore?!

"Albus, according to the previous agreement, I was hoping Evan could stay for the next month," Flamel said slowly. "It is already the shortest time it could take. If it were shorter, I wouldn't have enough assurance to allow him to master all the ancient magic texts he should know."

"No problem. I just need to confirm the leads!" Dumbledore nodded. "I will discuss it with Maxime. Although Evan and his students have committed some disagreeable actions tonight, I believe for you and me, she would allow Evan to stay at Beauxbatons during the summer break."

Upon hearing Dumbledore's reminder, Evan thought about what had happened tonight.

He felt a little embarrassed. As an outsider from another school, he caused a commotion at Beauxbatons on the first day and came out unscathed. This was totally unheard of before!

Fortunately, the summer break was ahead. Otherwise, he would have to face the students of Beauxbatons and have more trouble with Gabrielle.

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