Chapter 573 The First Task

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"We can't go, Ron," Hermione objected directly, pulling out a thick book from her bag. "We are just a few days away from the tournament. You haven't mastered all the spells I've taught you yet."

"There are several spells, including the Conjunctivitis Curse, that you need to learn as soon as possible," Evan said.

"Evan... Hermione, cut me some slack. That's seventh-year coursework!" Ron said, "In the past two months, I've learned over a dozen spells and should be able to handle emergencies. The tournament is starting soon; what I need now is to adjust my mood..."

Before he could finish speaking, there was a sudden commotion above them.

Over a hundred owls flew in through the open windows, delivering the morning mail.

The white figure of Hedwig mingled with a large number of brown and black owls, landing slowly on the table. She gently pecked Harry and extended her right leg with a crumpled parchment tied to it.

Harry quickly untied it and read the contents of the letter.

Hedwig hooted softly, flapping her wings and searching for something to eat in her dish.

"It's a letter from Sirius!" Harry exclaimed. "He wants us to meet this afternoon in Hogsmeade."

"Great!" Ron exclaimed proudly, "We must go to Hogsmeade. Sirius..."

Just then, a screeching owl landed beside him and dropped a package into Ron's lap.

"What's this?" Everyone looked at Ron curiously.

"I don't know!" Ron looked down at the package and said perplexed, "It's strange, Charlie sent it."

Charlie Weasley was Ron's second older brother, whom Evan had met during the summer holidays.

While at Hogwarts, he was a legendary figure on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. He led the Gryffindor team to win the Quidditch Cup many times. After graduating with excellent results, he went to Romania to study dragons.

Charlie didn't usually contact Ron, let alone send him a package.

Ron opened the package and pulled out two books, Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit and Common Methods of Dragon Taming.

"What on earth is going on? Why did Charlie suddenly send me two books?" Ron picked up the note at the bottom of the package and read, "Dear Ron, you may need these two books, please forgive me for not saying more..."

He set aside the note and flipped through the two books, furrowing his brow more with each page.

"Charlie must be out of his mind. Why would he need two dragon-related books? And he doesn't even tell me why!"

Seeing Ron's inquisitive eyes, Harry shook his head, wearing the same puzzled expression on his face.

"We might find some clues in this," Hermione said, taking the book Common Methods of Dragon Taming and examining it. "I haven't seen this book in the library. Perhaps Charlie summarized it himself."

"Even if he wrote the book, there's no need..."

"Ron, do you still not understand?!" Evan impatiently interrupted Ron, "Charlie sent you these two books to inform you that the first task challenge is a Fire Dragon!"

His voice wasn't very loud, but it seemed to carry a certain magic.

Upon hearing his words, no one spoke, and they all gazed at him in astonishment.

"God, Evan," Hermione exclaimed, covering her mouth with her small hand.

"You... what did you say... fi... fire dragon?!" stammered Ron, paling.

"Yes!" Evan nodded solemnly. "Charlie is certain, but he can't say. It goes against the rules."

"It's impossible. How could they use dragons as a task?!" Ron stared at Evan, "With the skill of a young wizard, how could one possibly defeat a fire dragon? That's impossible!"

Seeing his expression, he seemed to be waiting for someone to suddenly tell him it was April Fools' Day.

There was a silence that gradually turned into despair.

Upon careful consideration, everyone found Evan's reasoning highly plausible, accepting this shocking fact.

Only Ron refused to accept it. He promptly responded to Charlie's letter to inquire about the matter.

In his words, it was just a coincidence.

Seeing Ron's obstinacy, Hermione wanted to say something, and Evan gently stopped her.

Ron needed time to digest the news, and there was no need to press him, as he was likely already overwhelmed.

Although no one discussed the fire dragon, this incident still cast a shadow over the upcoming visit to Hogsmeade.

Ron appeared preoccupied, not as thrilled as before.

They returned to the dormitory, donned their respective cloaks, and set off towards Hogsmeade.

Harry, Ron, Colin, and Ginny went first, while Evan and Hermione went to Gabrielle to accompany her to Hogsmeade.

The two exited the castle and strolled along the lake towards the Beauxbatons carriage.

"Evan, is the first task truly a fire-breathing dragon?" Hermione said incredulously, looking very anxious.

"Indeed," Evan replied.

"Ron will be floored, how could he possibly defeat a dragon? That task is impossible."

"It won't be that difficult. Champions should only be asked to retrieve something from the dragon," Evan said.

"I hope so, the two books Charlie sent should help," Hermione said, "I need to go to the library to take a look. We were heading in the wrong direction before. I remember a book saying that dragons are extremely difficult to kill, due to the ancient magic that permeates their thick hides, only the most powerful spells can penetrate..."

Yes, the dragon was the most dreadful and dangerous creature. When he first saw it, Evan was astonished and wondered how such a monster could exist.

But he hadn't been very scared since he killed a dreadful fire-breathing dragon in the illusion with Okegiga, the Centaur.

Dragons weren't invincible; they had many weaknesses.

In addition to the need to enhance his strength, Ron now had to overcome his inner fear. That was the hardest part for him.

They talked about the dragon until they reached the Beauxbatons carriage.

Gabrielle was already waiting there, wearing a sky blue school cloak and a bright smile on her face.

For today's trip to Hogsmeade, she seemed to have meticulously prepared herself.

Several girls who were ready to exit the Beauxbatons carriage passed by her, releasing a silver bell-like laughter.

"Evan, we should tell Fleur about this!" Hermione suddenly whispered, "Surely she doesn't know."

Evan looked at Hermione strangely. He thought she would suggest keeping it a secret.

"Don't look at me like that. I know what you're thinking. We really should keep it a secret, but facing a dragon..." Hermione quickly said. "In short, aren't Fleur and Gabrielle our friends?! Go and tell her!"

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