🥀 Ch.2 🥀

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Y/n's POV

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Y/n's POV

Three hours passed as I sat in the Special Eds class. Despite being in this class I didn't require as much help with my work and worked at a higher level than others. Intellectually I was academically sound. The visual aspect is where I required assistance, in which I read the worksheets in braille and typed using a laptop with a special braille keyboard.

We took a ten minute break some time between the three hours but remained in the classroom. Being in the special ed class meant we didn't have to move rooms, defeating the point of a schedule to some degree. Still when the lunch bell rang we were allowed to leave the room though I waited behind for 15 minutes before packing up my bag and pulling out my cane.

I was hoping Bella would come get me to show me to the canteen but I guess not. Hopefully the halls won't be too crowed with students, allowing me to move a little more freely. Stepping out into the hall, I gulped as I heard the sound of students wandering around though they were quieter compared to this morning.

I began to make my way through the halls with one hand trailing the walls while my cane moved left to right clearing a path for me and ensuring there were no obstacles.

I was turning the corner when I heard a familiar voice, one I'd only met this morning. Chatting away towards the end of the corridor.

Hesitantly I approached the voice.

"Excuse me, Eric?" I called stop when my cane tapped someone's shoe. The group containing Eric's voice silenced upon my call.

"Y/n Swan. Is there something I can help you with?" He said, just as bubbly and cheerful as he was this morning.

"I'm sorry to disrupt your lunch, I was hoping you'd have seen Bella? She was supposed to collect me for lunch." I replied.

"Yeah, my buddy walked her to the cafeteria 10 minutes ago. If you want, I can show you the way?" He suggested.

"If you don't mind. I'd totally do it myself but um..." I trailed off.

"No need to explain. You guys gonna join?" He then directed to his friends.

"Sure, I wanted to grab something to eat anyway. I'm Mike Newton by the way." Another boy says.

"Y/n Swan." I replied. "It's nice to meet you."

"I'm Tyler." Another familiar voice said.

"You sound familiar... Were you the one who made the sarcastic comment about my sister's truck this morning?" I chuckle.

"Ah, you remember that?" He asks.

"I'm good at remembering voices." I smile as Eric offers his arm to me and begins to lead me through the corridors. "I really appreciate this, Eric." I said.

"It is no problem at all, I offered this morning to be a tour guide." He says all bubbly.

"As long as you're sure." I hum with a smile.

Hear Me Feel Me ~ Jasper Hale x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now