Y/n moves back to forks with her twin sister Bella where they both meet a group of astonishing beautiful yet pale skinned people. Bella became caught up in Edward's world almost immediately however for Y/n it take getting kidnapped by a sadistic vam...
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Y/n's POV
With the help of Paul, I was able to navigate my way through the forest and back to Emily's place without tripping. As soon as we arrived we are met outside by a bunch of whoops belonging to familiar voices.
"Embry, Jared, hey." I greet.
"Y/n! You're back! It's about time , we need your positivity around here." Embry exclaims picking me up as he spins me in a hug.
I giggle slightly before being placed carefully back on my feet.
"No kidding between grumpus here and Jacob this place had been a doom cloud of depression." Jared chimes.
"Awh, well I'm honoured to know my presence has been missed. I would have come around earlier if not for Mr temper tantrum by here." I say ruffling Paul's head as he swats my hand away.
We hadn't spoken much on the way over here, so I took a shot at teasing him which seemed to work when he huffed a chuckle.
"Come we've got a few newbies to introduce you to?" Embry says grabbing my hand and about to pull me through to the house when Paul grabs me.
"Careful, Embry there's steps." Paul scolds taking my hand from the younger boy and walking me over to the steps of the porch.
I soon found myself inside the familiar warm home and quickly engulfed by familiar thin arms. Her frame was slightly taller than my own but she still used the same floral scented perfume and coconut shampoo.
"Emily." I laugh hugging the woman back. "It's been a while." I note as we pull away.
"It has, you've gotten a tan since the last time I saw you." She comments.
"Do I?" I laugh, no one had mentioned it to me. "Well I went to visit my mother over the weekend so I got to spend some time out of the clouds and in the sun." I comment as she walks me over to the sofas where I'm seated between her and Paul.
"Oh phoenix must be lovely this time of year. Wish we'd get more sun here in Forks." Emily comments myself agreeing with her just before loud pattering steps enter the room.
"Y/n meet Quil, Seth and Leah, the newest members of our pack." Jared beams while jumping on the sofa opposite.
Using my cane I stand up and go to shake hands with each of the new people.
"Hey, I'm Y/n Swan." I say holding my hand out freely in the air waiting for someone to take it.
"Quil Ateara the fifth." A flirty voice beams as I slowly pull my hand away, cringing a little earning a laugh from the people in the room.
"Hi, I'm Seth Clearwater." A young voice, not fully developed says seconds before my hand is eagerly taken in theirs. I laugh under my breath at their excitement.
"You guys take in kids now?" I tease the boy as I pull my hand away.
"Youngest we've ever had." A deep brooding voice says. "Nice to see you again Y/n." Sam acknowledges as he walks past ruffling my hair.
"Thank you Sam. You know it's not easy styling my hair in the mornings." I comment trying to fix it. I give up with a huff after a few seconds only for familiar hands to do it for me.
"There." Paul says and I offer him a smile.
I turn back around remembering there's a third person and reach my hand out waiting for them to take it. It hangs for a moment as I feel this intense stare coming from them. Just as I go to put my hand down I feel a feminine hand in my own.
"Leah, Seth's older sister." She greets, as I nod smiling sadly at her.
"Sorry about your dad by the way, he was a kind man." I comment despite my last encounter with the man being nothing but suspicious of him, back before I knew about the wolves.
"Thanks." The pair chimes as Paul guides me to sit back down. A good hour passes between us all, talking and catching up before Bella and Jacob turn up outside. With help from Paul I make it outside in time to hear the boys teasing Jacob about calling Bella back or not.
I rolled my eyes laughing a bit as Jacob and I exchanged brief greetings. The air between us was as intense as it was with Paul and I as we were yet to talk privately.
Though that soon came to be when we found our selves alone, walking around out back, talking to each other.
"Why did you leave?" Paul finally asks after a moment of silence.
"I had to Paul. I couldn't let him die knowing he thought I was dead. I'd never forgive myself." I answer, stopping and sitting on the outside decking when I felt my cane hit it.
"You forgave him easily." He notes, an obvious tone to distaste in his mouth at the thought.
"Yeah." I whisper.
"Why?" He asks quietly as the wind blows between us.
"Because I love him." I admit pushing a strand of hair behind my ears. "Because no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stay mad at him."
"He's dead Y/n! He's not even living. It's disgusting." Paul exclaims, causing me to jolt in surprise at the sudden raise of his voice.
"Paul...please don't." I begged hoping he wouldn't start the conversation I thought he might.
"No seriously Y/n! What is it he's got that I don't." The boy presses, ignoring my pleads. I close my eyes, turning my head away from his voice as I keep silent. I feel my hand get picked up by Paul's warm one and placed upon his chest.
His heart beating against it rapidly.
"Why won't you pick me?...Choose me?" He begged with a small voice as his other hand turned my face to face him.
"Because I can't..." I replied.
"I don't buy it. You have a choice you're just afraid to choose." Paul says thinking he knows why I won't choose, but he's wrong.
"You're wrong." I say as he begins to lean in. I pull back, pulling my hand from his chest and shuffling away a little in my seat.
"I'm not afraid to choose. I'm afraid to lose my friend because of my choice. Paul I don't get a choice here. My heart had already decided who to love the moment I met him. Jasper is my light in all my darkness. He's what you would call my equivalence to an imprint." I reason shaking my head with a sigh as I try to stand.
"I'm sorry." I whisper, cane snapping open as I begin to walk back into the house. All of a sudden though a strong body slammed mine up against the house. Cane clattering to the floor as they pin me against the wall. Angry snarls emitting from deep with his throat and hot breath fanning my face.
To Be Continued
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