Y/n moves back to forks with her twin sister Bella where they both meet a group of astonishing beautiful yet pale skinned people. Bella became caught up in Edward's world almost immediately however for Y/n it take getting kidnapped by a sadistic vam...
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Y/n's POV
The gentle sweet sound fills the air as each key is pressed with precision to create the soft flowing sound of the melody echoing in the room. My hands flow with perfect syncnicity across the keys creating the sound of soft music. As I play I can feel their eyes on me, each and every pair belonging to the 8 vampires and my sister.
One pair of eyes however watch me play with nothing but love and admiration.
Ever since Jasper and I had cleared the tense air between us our relationship has only strengthened. During the months which had passed the two of us had been somewhat inseparable, having gone public meant I spent most of my lunches with the Cullens occasionally spending a free period with my human friends.
Jasper during these months has shown me nothing but tenderness. He was kind, patient, loyal and most of all he was always there whenever I reached out.
He was my light in all my darkness.
The moments I spent with him were pure bliss, every cold touch, every echo of his southern drawl, every chaste kiss had me falling deeper and deeper in love with him.
I glided my soft fingers to the last few notes of the song River Flows In You, opening my closed eyes as my concentration fades. I pull my hands away from the keys allowing the moment of serenity to finish washing over the room before turning on the piano stool to stand up.
I sensed the hand in front of me before I reached out, smiling. I placed my warm one in his and allowed Jasper to pull me up.
"Beautiful." He says while pushing a strand of my H/c locks behind my ears. As I said ever since I found out about him his gaze on me had changed the gentleness seeping through every time his eyes were on me.
Sometimes though I can still sense his tense interior, no doubt spanning from the fact that me being human and his mate making it difficult for him to control himself. At these times I'll notice his turmoil through his actions, the kisses he'll press to my forehead won't be as gentle, he'll tense when I touch him and he'll go quiet from trying to not breath in my scent.
But he always returns to his tender self after a hunt.
"You play with such grace, Y/n." Esme's voice echos from somewhere in the room.
"Thank you Esme." I smile though I'm not sure if I smile at her or the wall as I wasn't paying attention to where her voice was sounding from.
"We should be heading back, we have school tomorrow." Bella chimes to my left.
"Did you finish your R&J essay?" I ask as I hear her walk to me.
"Not yet." She answers from in front of me.
"It's due tomorrow." I say in a scolding tone.
"Hmm, well nothing beats a bit of cramming in last minute." Bella replies boredly.
I chuckle at her, shaking my head as I turn back to Jasper. "I'll see you tomorrow." I whisper. The Cullens were going hunting tonight so that meant no late night visits for me.
"Bright and early." He says as he leans to place a hard kiss to my forehead.
"Goodnight." I muse as I reach out for Bella's arm.
"Night." He whispers.
"See you all tomorrow and thanks again Carlisle and Esme for having us over." I say politely, Bella and I turning to walk away.
"It's no problem at all." Carlisle's voice rings out.
"We'll see you at school." Alice beams.
With all said and done Bella and I exit the room and then the house. Guiding me to the passenger seat of the truck, Bella helps me climb in before going and jumping into the driver's seat.
As the engine roars to life I feel his tense but loving gaze watching me from my three. Turning my head to the truck window as Bella begins to pull away, I wave sure that he's waving back.
I sigh in bliss as we make our way home, these last few months have been almost fairytale-like. Every moment is as precious as the last. There was still one issue though. Victoria was still around, occasionally making appearances that set the Cullens into a battle ready army.
"So you're 18 tomorrow." I chirp, distracting myself from my thoughts.
"You are as well." Bella replies softly.
"Technically..." I trail off.
"Really Y/n?" She said in a, 'come on now,' tone of voice. "We have never not celebrated our birthdays on the same day. If anything we had two day long celebrations."
"Well, yeah, when you put it like that. Still tomorrow is your day." I comment.
"Hmm, not really enjoying the idea though. Been having these weird dreams about being old and then Edward appearing. It's making me uneasy about the whole idea of my mortality." Bella explains.
"Your mortality?" I enquire.
"We'll haven't you thought about it? You know, becoming a vampire because of Jasper?" Bella asks.
"Ummm... No, I've not really given it much thought, to be honest..." I trail off.
"Well give it some thought." Bella says as we pull up to the house.
"I will." I nod as I hear Bella shuffle to get out the truck before coming around to help me. We entered the house in silence, myself lost in thought as I exchanged brief greetings with my father before heading up the stairs to bed.
As I slept that night I had a really weird out of body dream.
To Be Continued
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