Y/n moves back to forks with her twin sister Bella where they both meet a group of astonishing beautiful yet pale skinned people. Bella became caught up in Edward's world almost immediately however for Y/n it take getting kidnapped by a sadistic vam...
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Y/n' POV
Remember that burning gaze I was banging on about. Now I wasn't even free from it at home. Waking up in a gasp I felt those same eyes burning holes into me. I stared blankly at where I felt the eyes. 12 o'clock at the end of my bed.
"Who's there?" I quietly call out. However just as soon as my voice left my lips the burning feeling of eyes watching me was gone.
"Jasper?" I whisper. 'Surely not, I must be imagining things.' I thought, dismissing the fact that I felt him watching me when I was in the confines and safety of my own home.
After a hectic visit to the hospital after Bella almost got crushed by Tyler's van. I was exhausted and quickly fell back asleep. Neither Bella nor I blamed Tyler, after all it wasn't his fault that someone pulled out infront of him causing him to make a sharp turn and lose control of the wheel.
Returning to school the next day Bella stood beside the truck while I sat with the passenger door open listening to music. We had a class trip today. Not that Bella and I were in the same class but given I worked at the same level as her, I was granted permission to go providing I stick close to my sister.
Bella tugged on my sleeve when it was time to go. She helped me out of the truck and onto the school bus. When we arrived at the greenhouse we were visiting, I walked slowly alongside her. I didn't have my cane out so Bella pulled me slightly to the right as an indication that I had to step around something or rather someone.
"What's in Jacksonville?" An unknown voice suddenly asks.
"How did you know about that?" My sister asks. Back with a scoff. My head turned between the two in confusion.
"You didn't answer my question." The voice says ignoring my sister's question.
"Well you don't answer any of mine." Bella said, agitated as she pulled me forwards, startling me. I felt uncomfortable to say the least.
"Hey new girl, wanna join us?" Tha same soft voice from the parking lot calls out.
"Bella, someone's calling you." I say grabbing my sister's attention.
"Huh oh." She says stopping as someone comes to stand in front of us.
"Hi, my name is Alice. I was wondering if your sister would like to join Jasper and myself while you talk with my brother." She introduces herself. I tense slightly at the mention of the boy who's been staring holes into me. Here I was relieved I wouldn't have to feel his gaze but nope turns out he's on the field trip as well.
"Uh well... Sure, if that's alright with you, Y/n?" Bella asks.
"Umm, just to clarify, I am blind and I don't have my cane on me. If you're alright with me holding onto your arm I'm okay with going with you." I say, much preferring to put up with being glared at than being involved and treated like a third wheel while my sister beefs with someone.
"Of course." Alice says happily as Bella hands me over to the girl.
"Thank you." I whisper as we walk away.
"Huh?" Alice says.
"I have no idea what's going on back there but third wheeling it was a bit uncomfortable." I muttered.
"Oh of course. I'm glad we're getting to spend some time together though, you've been the talk of the school." She chuckles softly.
"So I've heard." I laugh softly. As we walked and talked Jasper remained silence, like always whenever I was coincidentally in their presence. His gaze however still bore holes into me, though I felt less disturbed by it this time as I talked with his adopted sister Alice.
A few hours passed with myself being escorted around by Alice who was actually really kind. Jasper still gave me the heebee-jeebees but I dealt with it. Before long the field trip was wrapping up and the pair were walking me back to the buses.
"Won't you ride back with us?" Alice asked me.
"Oh um, I think it's best I go with Bella on the bus we came on since my cane is there." I replied with slightly disappointment.
"Oh well, then join us for lunch tomorrow. I had a lot of fun talking with you today." Alice says her happy tone never falters.
"Alice." An unfamiliar voice. A southern drawl having hissed her name in slight disapprovement behind me.
Instantly my head turned to the unfamiliar voice but familiar gaze. That was my first time hearing him speak. I had to fight back a blush at the sound of it, though my startlement must have shown for Alice giggled.
"It's just Jasper, Y/n." She says.
"Sorry, it's just the first time I've heard him speak." I openly admit.
"He's quiet, that's all. You get used to him chirping up every now and then. Anyway, lunch tomorrow, yes or no." Alice said getting back on track.
"Sure I'd love to join you guys if it's alright." I say with a smile.
"Yay." Alice beamed suddenly hugging me. I hesitated to hug back as I held back a shiver. She was freezing.
"Alice, you're cold." I say in a small voice. "There's a hand warmer in the front pocket of my bag if you'd like to use it?" I offer.
"Oh sorry, I didn't even realise. We moved from Alaska so I often don't feel the cold here in Forks. Don't worry, I'm actually quite warm." She said pulling back.
"If you're sure." I smiled as Bella walked over.
"Ready Y/n?" She asked. I nod reaching my hand out for her as if asking for her arm which she quickly offered.
"Thank you for today Alice and Jasper. I'll see you both tomorrow." I smiled at the pair with a wave before Bella pulled me alway.
"You seem to have gotten on along well with them." Bella chimes as she helps me on the bus.
"Alice is really sweet. Jasper he's awfully quiet and up till today he was sorta giving me the creeps." I hum as I sit down in the same seats as this morning and locate my cane which I had left in the back pocket of the seat in front of me.
"How so?" Bella enquiries.
This ensued a conversation between me and my sister concerning the two Cullens who had been acting awfully strange around us. While I told her about the constant staring holes into the side of my head while she told me all about Edward's weird behaviour.
By the end of the conversation, as we drove back to meet dad at the diner. Both of us had concluded that something suspicious was at play here.
To Be Continued
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