🌗 Ch.44 🌗

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Y/n's POV

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Y/n's POV

That afternoon Jasper and I are in the school's parking lot. He'd offered me a lift to meet my dad at the station since Bella was driven to school this morning by Edward.

"What happened at lunch?" I asked as he slid his jacket over my shoulders.

"What do you mean?" His southern twang smoothly glides into my ears as he zips up the coat.

"I mean the reaction everyone had to Alice's idea. And the sudden silence after, it was tense. Did she see something?" I question as I feel him roll up the sleeves to the jacket.

"It was nothing." He says taking my wrist in his hand and placing a small kiss on it.

I am not entirely convinced thought.

Jasper knew this as he sighs and brings me in for a hug. "Honestly, if it was anything to worry about. I'd tell you." He reassures me.

I wrap my arms around his frame, my chin resting on his chest as I tilt my head up to him.

"Promise?" I say with a frown.

A chuckle ripples through his chest and passes his lips as he replies. "Promise." With a quick kiss to the lips. "Come on or you'll be late meeting your dad."

With that said and done Jasper helped me into his bike before climbing on himself. I wrap my arms around his waist chin of the helmet resting on his shoulder and he kicks the bike into start.

He drove us to the station where we pulled up outside just in time to hear Bella and Edward talking about the missing boy Riley Biers.

"Their son went missing in Seattle over a year ago. Charlie's doing what he can, but..." He trails off.

"You know something about this?" Bella asks, obviously sensing that Edward was hiding something.

"We've been tracking the situation in Seattle for a while." Edwards starts to explain.

Jasper's grip on my waist tightens slightly as he continues. "Unexplained disappearances. Killings."

"If the situation gets any more conspicuous, the Volturi will step in." Edward finishes.

"Wait, if they go to Seattle..." I say trailing off.

"They could come here. They could see I'm still human." Bella panics.

"And that I'm still undecided." I muttered, tilting my head up to Jasper.

"It won't get that far." Jasper hushes, brushing a strand of hair behind my ears.

"But we'll go to Seattle if we have to." Edward chimes.

Just then the door to the station opens, my father's voice speaking to the couple who walks out.

"I'll fax these down, first thing." He says.

"Thank you." A woman's trembling voice says as I feel the couple pass by us.

"Hey." Bella greets dad.

"Hey. Are you ready for dinner?" Dad says wearily as I detect the uncertainty of the boy's appearances in his voice.

"Yeah." Bella answers for us both.

"It is still just us three, right?" Dad asks his tone still not hiding the fact that he didn't enjoy the idea of the boys possibly joining us.

"No, we're just dropping them off." Edward says to our dad with a slight chuckle obviously have read his mind.

"See you later." Jasper whispers to me, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek goodbye as I move to stand next to Bells.

"Bye." Bella and I say to both boys who start to walk away.

"Oh, Y/n, Bella, my parents wanted to remind you about the airline ticket you got for your birthday." Edward suddenly chimes.

"What airline ticket?" Dad asks.

"A round trip ticket to see Mom in Florida." I answer.

"That was generous." Dad points out as I reach out trying to locate him before not so subtly nudge his shoulder at his tone.

"They expire soon, so you might want to use them this weekend." Jasper reminds.

"Well, we can't just drop everything and go." Bella says referring to the fact she had to work part time in Mike's parent's shop. I on the other hand had a date with a new audiobook.

"It might be your last chance to see her before you graduate." Edward then says knowingly to Bella as I tilt my head down to the floor shuffling uncomfortably on my feet.

Such wasn't necessarily the case for me, yet it made me realise how soon my sister would leave me and with her the man I loved.

"Might not be a bad idea. Get out of town for a couple days. Get some distance." Dad suggests seeming to enjoy the idea.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing Mom." I hum.

"As long as Edward uses the companion ticket." That's right we got three tickets just in case we decided to take dad with us but I guess Bella had other ideas.

"Wait. There's three tickets?" Dad not so subtly says in surprise. "Super." He continues to express his distaste to the boy clinging to Bella.

"That makes me really happy." He continues as I nudge his shoulder once again. I was somewhat disappointed Bella offered the ticket to Edward but either way I was happy to get away and enjoy some sunshine for a while.


To Be Continued

To Be Continued

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