🌗 Ch.52 🌗

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Y/n's POV

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Y/n's POV

The next day Cullen held the training in the middle of the woods. Despite my protests to wake up, Jasper dragged me along thinking it would be a good idea to watch and learn.

Of course I gave him a look when he said that but he simply laughed saying it would help ease my nerves if I was there to listen to them train.

So here I was now, standing with Alice and Esme as I listened closely to the sounds around me. Emmett and Jasper were currently fighting as a car was pulling up no doubt being one the jeeps the Cullens own and most likely occupying the only two not here, Edwards and my sister.

I gasped slightly as I heard a harsh collision with the grounds before Emmett stood back up and claimed in an aggravated tone.

"Again." He roared but the sound of low growls caused the two fighting to gather as the wolves arrived.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms." Edward says having most likely read their thoughts since he'd now have to act as translator.

"They came. That's what matters." Carlisle says. "Will you translate?" He then asks the boy.

"Welcome. Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them." Carlisle then says addressing the wolves.

Somewhere in the crowd though I feel a familiar pair of eyes watching me as I try to find them, eyes blindly searching for an exact location until they finally land on where they were.

Locking eyes with Paul in his wolf form I offer a small nod before paying attention once again to the ongoing conversation.

"They want to know how the newborns differ from us." Edward asks.

"They're a great deal stronger than us because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life." Carlisle explains.

Squeezing my hand tightly in his, Jasper steps up to begins his teaching while Alice comes to my side once more.

"Carlisle's right. That's why they are created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands
like a human army, but no human army could stand against them." Jasper asserts, tone serious to display the importance of the information he is sharing with the wolves.

"Now, the two most important things to remember are, first, never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly.
And second, never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that, and you will lose." I take a sharp breath in as I listen to Jasper. Nerves suddenly running wild however also finding his tone slightly attractive. I quickly cover up this fact though as Alice moves myself and Bella off to the side lines.

With the way the Jeep was parked I decided to sit in the passenger seat with the door opened while Bella propped herself up on the hood of the vehicle.

"Emmett." Jasper calls upon his brother. "Don't hold back." He then challenges.

"Not in my nature." Emmett rebukes tone laced with amusement. I listen closely to the grunts and sounds of body's colliding. It not long before I hear Emmett getting thrown on his back once again.

"Never lose focus." Jasper stated, his southern twang thicker than usual.

Next up were Carlisle and Edward, the pair running at one another before engaging in a battle for their strengths. A few chuckles are heard as they fight. Obviously enjoying themselves. However soon enough the sound of someone colliding with the ground is heard.

"One more thing." Jasper says his voice moving with him as he paces around the training space. "Never turn your back on your enemy." He educates as a surprised yelp comes from one of them and another sound of a person collapsing is heard.

Next up was Rosalie and Jasper. There were a lot of grunts from the woman as they fought but Jasper knew his supposed twin sister well enough to predict her moves and pin her down after only a few strikes.

The next couple was Henry and Alice. They fought each other although Bella told me it was more playful when I asked her who won after not hearing anyone getting pinned down.

Esme turn came, she fought against Alice. The two girls giggled at the sound of them striking each other and doffing was heard. In the end Alice was declared the winner.

After a while everyone was fighting different partners, some of the wolves getting involved and defeated. My legs were going numb from sitting down for so long so I called Alice over asking if we could take a small walk around.

She agreed and joined me on a small walk around the training area.

"You know I still haven't seen your future yet." She states as we walk.

"Oh." I trail off, trying to keep my face straight.

"Jasper told us about the deal you made, that if he came back from Seattle you'd change." Alice says quietly.

"He told you that?" I say not that surprised.

"Of course. But Y/n we aren't going to Seattle now." Alice points out.

"So?" I say tilting my head to give her a confused expression.

"So the deal is technically void." She states as I pause in my step, turning my body to her.

"What are you saying Alice?" I ask nervously.

"It's fine if you're still undecided but maybe now would be a good time to think about your choices and give one. If the battle comes here it's likely the Volturi will send their guard. If they come they'll want to take news back about your decision. I don't want to put pressure on you Y/n but for your own safety you need to decide." Alice says in a low voice as I stand frozen.

After a moment I nod to the girl agreeing to think on the idea and asking to head back to the jeep. As we approach I hear Jasper talking to my sister.

"I didn't know there was another way till I found the Cullens. Alice saw me coming, of course. It took a while for me to conform to their ways, having never known any better. It was a lot harder for me than my siblings. It was worth it though. Odds are if I'd never met the Cullens I'd have never met your sister." His southern twang echoed as I smiled, pulling away from Alice and walking arm stretched towards Jasper.

"I reckon we would have, even without the Cullens. Either way my sister would have dragged me into your world regardless if you were a nomad or a Cullen." I say reaching out a hand that I slide up his chest and around his neck.

"You and your fetish for morally grey characters." He teases as his hands come to my waist.

"I have a cane Jasper, don't make me use it." I joke.

"Kinky." He teases as I shove his shoulder playfully before capturing his lips with my own.



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Hear Me Feel Me ~ Jasper Hale x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now