🌕 Ch.39 🌕

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3rd Person POV

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3rd Person POV

Aro Volturi stood no taller than 5 foot and 10 inches tall dressed head to toe in black smart wear that matches the same pitch blackness of his long hair. His skin was such a pale white colour it was almost translucent like an onion skin appearing less chalky white unlike the Cullens. His eyes gleamed a dark red.

Claius Volturi was around 5 foot 9 inches tall like Aro his skin was the same translucent white and eyes a brighter shade of red enhanced by the colour of his honey blonde hair. He wore all black smart wear similar to Aro's but a cape was draped over his shoulders falling to about mid thigh.

Lastly was Marcus Volturi skin pale white and translucent looking, eyes red though dulled as an air of tragic mournfulness surrounded him. His hair was similar to Aro though there was a lot more thickness to it. Like Caius he wore smart wear coloured all black with a cape falling to his mid thigh. He was about 6 foot tall to be on generous side.

Aro being the head boss in charge of the Volturi was the one to take the lead in the following discussion. Having already made his comment about the twins, he marches right up to the paling Edward whose skin now looked powdery from the brief exposure of sunlight and sheer grief he had experienced believing Bella was dead.

Taking the boy's hand within his own Aro gasped out an, "Ah." As his red eyes clouded over appearing distantly like Alice's does when she is in a vision.

"They are so rare." He mused. Aro had longed to have Edward in his midst, being able to read people's minds without having to make contact with them like Aro was something the leader of the three aristocrats yearned for.

"Your Singer." The dark haired man mutters in fluent Italian. "Her blood appeals to you so much it makes me thirsty." He licks his lips while batting his eyes towards the pale mortal standing next to him. "How can you stand to be so close to her?"

"It's not without difficulty." Edward replies in a croaky voice.

"Yes, I can see that." The man chuckles.

"Aro can read every thought I've ever had with one touch." Edward explains to Bella who watches on curiously. "And now you know everything. So get on with it." The boy demands as he yanks his hand away from Aro's.

"You are quite a soul reader yourself, Edward. Though while you can read one twin's mind...You can't read Bella's thoughts." Aro muses as he glances between the two mortals who stood in his council room. Both heartbeats are beating in a perfect rhythm.

"Fascinating." He gushed. "I would love to see if you are an exception to my gifts, as well. Would you do me the honour?" Aro extends his hand, offering it to Bella in hopes that she'd accept.

Although hesitant the girl reached out to the man, carefully placing her hand in his and watching as the man's red eyes became unfocused from reality and clouded over. Moments later he drops her hand with a wry smile.

Hear Me Feel Me ~ Jasper Hale x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now