🌗 Ch.49 🌗

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Y/n's POV

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Y/n's POV

Reaching home I was quick to bid farewell to Jacob and locate my way into the house, ignoring my dad who tried to talk to me as I headed straight up stairs and to my room claiming to be too tired to talk.

Reaching my room I slumped against my bedroom, letting silent tears fall as I touched my cheek remembering the pain I felt a few hours ago when Paul's strong hand struck me.

Lost in my thoughts I failed to pay attention to the rushing up the stairs and Bella's frantic voice calling out two familiar names as they bolted up the steps. That was till a hard and hurried knocking came to my door.

Rolling my eyes I wipe my tears quickly and pull open the door expecting my dad to be there only for the door to be pushed open and familiar cold hands to grasp my face.

"Jasper." I mumble in a small voice as I try and fail to hide the fact I'd been crying moments before. I hissed slightly when his cold fingers grazed an area below my eye, pulling away from his touch.

I feel his hands move, most likely back to his side as hearing a low growl rumbles from the pits of his being, lowly he declares. "I'll kill him."

"No, no, Jasper stop, I'm fine, it's nothing." I rushed grabbing ahold of the boy before he could walk away.

"It's not nothing, Y/n." Jasper hisses aggressively, stepping close while gripping the top of my arm in an iron grip that makes me whimper in pain.

"Sorry." He quickly says, letting go of my arm.

"Stop." I whimper, tears brimming. "I just want the arguing and hate to stop." I say, turning to walk over to my bed. Only my foot stands on something causing me to loose my footing. Tumbling forwards as I manage to catch myself but not before I knee my bedside table.

"Ouch." I whine fed up. I finally find my bed and sit on it. Tears streaming down my face again as Jasper kneels before me. My hands held my knees as I tried to hide my sad face behind my hair but Jasper moves it out the way.

"I'm sorry." He says quietly. "I was just angry when I found out what Paul did. I worry for you Y/n. Emmett had to hold me back so I wouldn't break the treaty. I'm sorry I reacted the way I did." He apologises.

"It's fine." I say about to lean down and place my forehead on his when Edward and Bella barge into my room.

"What the..." I trail off standing as Jasper does.

"Jasper, someone's been in here." Edward says as I heard him walking around my room, mainly in the open space before my bed. I feel Jasper stiffen beside me as he finally takes note of the stranger's scent.

"A nomad." He says holding me close.

"They've been in Bella's room as well." Edward notes.

"Okay, take the girls back to Carlisle's, I'll ring Emmett, we'll follow the scent." Jasper tells Edward.

"What? Wait no." I protest.

"Y/n please, if a nomads been through here it could be dangerous for you." Jasper pleads holding me by my shoulders.

"Just be careful." I reluctantly sigh with a nod. Placing a quick kiss to my forehead Jasper and Edward quickly run Bella and I out to Carlisle's Volvo. Jasper taking the time to make sure I'm buckled in the back seat before Edward takes off to the Cullens house at full speed.

On the way to the house I fall asleep waking up later in Cullen's home, blanket over me and pillow under my head as I hear the family talking in the room I'm in.

With puffy eyes I sit up catching Jasper's attention as I rub the sleep away from my eyes and zone into the conversation being had in the room. I took note that I am sat on one of the sofa's, swinging my legs over the seat to sit on it properly while Jasper placed a hand on my knee.

"A passerby wouldn't have left their father alive." Rosalie says from somewhere in the room.

"The scent disappeared about 5 miles south of their house." Jasper says tense. I finally take note of the atmosphere in the room. It wasn't only him.

"Someone's orchestrating this." Carlisle says grimly with a sigh.

"Victoria?" I suggest.

"I would have seen her decide." Alice shoots down.

"Has to be the Volturi." Bella chimes as I rest my head on Jasper's shoulder trying not to get a headache.

"I don't think it's the Volturi, either. I've been watching Aro's decisions, too." Alice says in response.

"So we keep looking." Emmett states.

"We'll also take shifts guarding the girls at their house." Carlisle says.

"Another protection detail?" Rosalie questions, tone dripping in distaste to the idea.

"Rosalie." Carlisle warns.

"No, she's right. You can't protect me and my sister, watch my dad and search for the intruder." Bella backs up Rosalie.

"And for Victoria." Rose adds.

"And keep yourselves fed." I whisper tiredly once more now resting my chin on Jasper's shoulder as I look at him.

"I'm not leaving you here defenceless." Jasper argues.

"Well, I'm not gonna let you starve." I say back defiantly as I lift my head from his shoulder and cross my arms.

"And we wouldn't be unprotected. We have..." Bella trails off, her suggestion hanging clearly in the air as she refers to the wolves.


To Be Continued

To Be Continued

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