🥀 Ch.17 🥀

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3rd Person POV

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3rd Person POV

Standing outside her old ballet studio Bella stares up at the sign remembering her days of when she used to attend Mimi's. She hated dancing and was happy to walk away never to see this place again or so she thought.

But fate always finds a way to play the cruellest of tricks in those unsuspecting.

Making her way inside Bella double checks the canister of pepper spray her dad gave her. She guessed it wouldn't do much but it was worth having it now that she was faced with a life or death situation.

Walking inside the studio, she is met by the sight of her tear stained faced sister, darting her eyes around in fright. She sees her struggling to free herself from the ropes and cry out for help from the gag, instantly she runs towards her.

"Oh my god, Y/n, I'm so sorry." Bella fumbles as she pulls the gag out her mouth.

"Bella run!" Her sister yells as soon as she can speak. Confused, Bella halts in trying to free her sister, noting how genuinely scared she is.

"Hey, hey, it's alright I'm not gonna leave here with you." She says taking her sisters cheeks delicately in her hands noting the bruise on her cheek and the cuts on her lip and forehead.

"Bella, he wants to kill you. Just go now while you..." But the girl got cut off by an all too familiar sick and sadistic laugh.

"Now that's just sweet." His voice resonates off the mirrored walls as Bella frantically spins around looking at each terrifying reflection of their perpetrator trying to locate the real one.

It's not long before he steps out the shadows to the right of Y/n.

"You really made it too easy. So to make things more entertaining, I'm gonna make a little film of our time together." James said, pulling out a video camera. He stalks towards Bella backing her up against a pillar.

"I borrowed this from your house. I hope you don't mind. Oh and this." He says pulling out the same knife her sister had tried to attack him with.

"Okay, and, action..." He says in dramatics as he starts the video. "That'll break Edward's little heart." He comments as Bella shys away from the camera.

"You have...Edward has nothing to do with this!" Bella screams into the camera though her eyes are on James behind it.

"But he does. His rage will make for a more interesting sport than his feeble attempt to protect you." James comments off camera, having moved it to the side and pinning Bella with one hand on her neck to the pillar as she tried to push him away.

"And let's continue. Beautiful. Very visually dynamic. I chose my stage well. It's too bad he didn't have the strength to turn you. Instead, he kept you this fragile little human. It's cruel, really. And let's not even start on your sister. Speaking of let's check in on her shall we." With a sinister chuckle James roughly grabs Bella by the hair dragging and throwing the brunette at her sisters feet.

"Bella." Y/n gasped as she felt her sister falling at her feet. "What's going on!" She demands.

"Now, now, what have I said about using that tone of voice?" James clicks his tongue using the knife to threaten the girl as he holds it to her chin earning a gasp.

"Ah, do you recognise it? Hmm, it's the same knife you tried attacking me with in your house. A bold move I must say." James chuckles.

As he's distracted by her sister Bella takes the time to sneak her hand into her pocket and stand up. James had since moved behind Y/n holding her chin with the knife in one hand and the camera facing the pair of them up in the other. His face was close to hers as he talked to the camera taunting the blind girl.

Taking advantage of this Bella uses her pepper spray on the man emptying the canister before making a dash for it. James let go of the youngest Swan and stands in anger as he aggressively inhales and sharpe breath.

Angered, he leaps after the other girl landing in front of her to stop her escape. He grabs her by the neck causing a yell to leave the brunette and startle the blind girl sitting in the chair. He then throws Bella across the floor and into a pillar where she hits her head.

The sound of her sister colliding with the pillar causes Y/n to jolt. Grunting noises leave Bella's lips as she writhes in pain. Slowly James walks up to the girl still recording her in the dimly lit ballet studio. The only sources of light coming through some broken pieces of barred off window allowing the moonlight to seep into the old abandoned building.

"Yeah, you shouldn't have done that." He chuckles with venom as Bella shuffles to sit up. Blood on her hand from her head. James tilts his head in thought as an idea soon pops into his head. The crunching of bone followed by screams of pain echo once more off the walls and loudly to the blind girl's ears.

"Tell Edward how much it hurts." James demands.

"Bella!" Her sister can be heard yelling in the background. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" She yells over James' voice.

"Tell him to avenge you. Tell him! SHUT UP I'LL GET YOU LATER!" James yells at the girl tossing the knife he still had in his hand at her. Soon another set of screams joins Bella as the knife plummets forwards landing in the girl's shoulder.

"No, Edward, don't!" Bella yells as James goes back to her, stepping hard on the leg he's crushing with his bare foot.

"Tell him! Tell him!" He demands. The sound of the yells die down quickly as James is tackled off Bella by a blur. Landing a bit away, Edward looks at Bella smelling her blood and seeing the state she's in. Ultimately he turns and sees her sister not doing too well herself.

Growling in anger that his film was interrupted James quickly recovers and tackles Edward to a nearby mirror. They slide effortlessly across the floor as he pins the brunette boy with one hand on his neck in a vice grip.

"You're alone 'cause you're faster than the others." There's a sudden sound of glass cracking as James pulls Edward off the mirror and slammed him straight back into it. "But not stronger." He taunts.

"I'm strong enough to kill you." Edward challenges and just like that he manages to kick James off him and into a stand alone mirror causing more glass to shatter and clatter.


To Be Continued

To Be Continued

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