Y/n moves back to forks with her twin sister Bella where they both meet a group of astonishing beautiful yet pale skinned people. Bella became caught up in Edward's world almost immediately however for Y/n it take getting kidnapped by a sadistic vam...
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3rd Person POV - Minutes Before
Stood in a formation at the top of the field chosen for battle, the Cullens wait for the arrival of the newborn army they can hear hastily approaching.
Jasper stood front and centre, the rest of his family behind him in a line while the wolves hid in the trees.
The plan was to keep the wolves a surprise. Better to have them jump out rather than line up with the Cullens, possibly scaring off any new borns.
As soon as the ravaging vampires broke out of the tree line the Cullens bolted forwards with determination in their eyes. The newborns so overcome by the smell of Bella and Y/n Swan didn't even stop to realise they were not there. They just marched right into battle, war cries escaping the crowd as they met in the centre of the field.
Two vampires were killed almost instantly by Emmett and Jasper while others were pushed back and tackled to the ground by other Cullen members.
After the initial back push however a few Cullens found themselves piled on by multiple newborns determined to kill the things blocking them from their targets.
That's when the wolves came in.
Jumping from the tree lines, six ferociously huge wolves joined the attack. Sam leading his pack as the big black wolf instantly took a kill.
Watching from the tree line in a panicked rage, Victoria watches as Carlisle and Esme work together to pin down one her newborns and throw them into the jaws of a great grey Wolf.
The redhead retreated from the field with a snarl just as a great seventh wolf joined the fight. Knocking one vampire away as he bit off the arm of another, tossing them across the field.
Just then Emmett headbutts a vampire, cracks appearing along his forehead whereas for the newborn his skull completely caved in. Another vampire tried to attack from behind using the boulder to jump in the air to attack, only to get intercepted and torn apart by Jacobs strong jaw.
Glass-like sounds echoed loudly in the battlefield, slowly the newborns were falling to the joint efforts of both vampire and wolves.
Running across the field Jasper could see Alice getting targeted by a few vampires. Worried for his sister he bolted it towards her just as Leah did the same. Jasper didn't even stop in his steps, he choked a female vampire and slammed her into the ground, a loud crack came from her as she almost shattered into a million pieces from his sheer strength.
Nor did he flinch when he threw a hard and fast punch to a vampire who tried to jump him from his right, sending them halfway across the field. Dodging a couple of attacks Jasper continued to run after Alice but stopped when met with a predicument.
One the wolves not far from him was tackled to the ground.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Alice jump as a grey Wolf, Leah, attacked a vampire chasing Alice. Seeing Alice out of the woods Jasper threw his arm out punching a female vampire who screamed in pain before running to help the whimpering wolf.
Jumping in the air, Jasper did a somersault over both the vampire and wolf landing on the other side of them after successfully ripping the head off the vampire.
Back across the field a young brunette girl no older than 16 hides behind the boulder terrified as she watches the army get destroyed.
Why was she here? She could have run off? She should have ran off.
Still working together, Carlisle and his wife take down another vampire. Esme holds them bent back by the neck while Carlisle throws a hard punch smashing their face off.
Having let out a yell of fright seeing these events up close the young girl ,who goes by the name Bree Tanner, backs up when the two golden eyed vampires look at her and share confused glances.
She was just a child.
She shouldn't be here.
They thought, both of them knew it was wrong to kill this girl. She wasn't even trying to fight.
"It's not right." Esme says, holding her hands up as she walks calmly to the girl. "Hey, it's okay." She reassured carefully taking the girl's shoulder in her hand. "Hide behind the trees and don't come out until we say." Esme tells the girl. Deciding to spare her.
"What was Victoria thinking, changing someone so young?" Carlisle questions as he and his wife turn back to the fight.
"These questions are better left answered after the battle's won." Esme replies the pair running back into action.
Back across the field Henry can be seen running behind a vampire who was chasing his wife. Angry snarls came from his mouth as he leapt into the air kicking the vampire onto its stomach. Reaching down he took both of the man's arms and tore them straight off his body.
Meanwhile in the middle of the field Jasper is seen grunting alongside his brother Emmett as the two toss vampires away from themselves. Not too far away, Jasper and Emmett notice an all too familiar wolf struggling to shake off three vampires who've gotten their arms around him.
"Go." Emmett says grabbing and snapping the head clean off the shoulders of a vampire about to attack them.
Nodding Jasper runs towards the Wolf yanking and punching one vampire away before grabbing a second and killing them. Meanwhile Paul, in his Wolf form, manages to shake off the third, killing them and jumping on top of a fourth one who's about to jump Jasper.
The pair look at each other, in that moment a mutual respect for each other helps flashes in their eyes before they bolt back into the fight.
Somewhere on the battlefield Rosalie gets pinned down onto her knees by two vampires and a third chuckling as he walks up to her. Before he can raise a hand however, Rosalie smirks as a wolf jumps on top of the man.
Using the distraction she pushes off the ground flipping over the two vampires who held either one of her arms and twisting them clean off their body. Her and the wolf proceed to kill all three vampires.
The battlefield soon comes down to a cosmic Adam and Eve. The two vampires hissing as they are soon taken down by Emmett and Jasper.
With a finally shattering sound the battle field grows quiet as all that is heard are the pants from the wolves and Vampires. Knowing what was left to do they all get to work piling up the bodies and making sure they are all dead before throwing a match onto the body's.
As the flame roars with life Alice gasps, pulled into a vision.
To Be Continued
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