🌕 Ch.32 🌕

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Y/n's POV

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Y/n's POV

The next morning I woke with a groan as Bella came barging into my room demanding I get up and dressed. I signed and I did as she told me because she seemed in a hurry. I walked out to the truck with my cane in hand I turned to my sister.

"Where's the fire?" I asked.

"We're going to the reservation to confront Jacob. He came to my room last night. He was tryna tell me something but it was like there was a gag order on him. He asked me to remember the day we walked along the beach and he told us the story of the cold ones. Well there was another part of that story, one about the tribes. Y/n I think..." Bella rambles on before I cut her off.

"Jacob is a Wolf? Dammit I wanted to be the one to figure this one out." I pouted slumping into my seat as we climbed into the truck.

"You know." She laughs at me.

"It was practically written all over that book. Which by the way I think I could be a certified native after reading all that." I joked.

"Of course." Bella chuckles tapping the wheel as she drives.

"Listen imma stay outside while you confront Jacob. We don't wanna overwhelm him." I say, Bella agrees. 35 minutes later Bella and I pulled up outside the Blacks residence. Bella led me over to the porch steps where I slumped down and told her to go ahead when she asked if I was gonna be okay outside alone.

Once Bella pushed past Billy which I chuckled lowly at, I turned to the man in the doorway calling to my sister.

"We know Billy." I say over my shoulder. "Jacob's a wolf." I smiled at the man whose gaze fell on me.

"How'd you?" He questions.

"Call it a woman's intuition... Or stubbornness takes your pick." I chuckle at the man who wheels himself away from the door. Shaking my head I turn forwards again just when hollering comes from the trees. I stood facing the sound of the hollers.

It didn't take an idiot to guess who it was. Especially when I felt that familiar gaze from yesterday glancing over me. A shiver ran down my spine. Was I uncomfortably by that strangers gaze no, did it make me melt like another's had, also no, yet something drew me in.

Bella came marching out the house pushing past me as she walked across the garden. I sighed and pull out my cane, letting it snap open.

"Not good." I say. I walk after her while holding the cane out to guide my way.

"Nothing! He tells me nothing because he's scared of you!" Bella yells as I approach. She was worked up and angry at the men before us and to be honest I'm not too sure why.

Snickering came from the man who was arguing with Bella. I stepped between them, pushing my sister away. Those eyes feel on me again, my head turning as I glanced over my shoulder and made invisible contact with the man arguing with Bella. Before I could talk Bella pushed past me to smack the boy who had been laughing at her.

"Bella!" I exclaim resuming my position between the two, I pushed Bella back again. I stood sideways between them, a shoulder facing Bella and a shoulder facing the man.

"Too late now." A voice chirps in amusement.

"Y/n, Bella, get back!" The voice of Sam Uley commands. A soft but angry growl emits from the boy Bella was fighting. I turn my head to the sound of the snarl, clouded eyes feeling the connection to a pair of angry ones.

Something within me jolted again when I made that contact. I suddenly felt drawn to the boy I didn't even know the name of. I wanted to step closer but stood still, between the pair at a close distance while I was distracted by this sudden pull to the boy.

"Paul, calm down, now!" Sam commands answering my curiosity of who the person was.

"Bella!" I hear a voice call across the garden, I finally take note of the lack of presence on my other side.

Bella had bolted.

'The fuck man.' I thought.

"Run Y/n." A southern drawl caught my attention.

It's soon cut short as the growling beside me got louder till a loud snarl came from the man.

"Run! Jake, run!" Was the last thing I heard before I fell to the ground gripping my arm in pain. I screamed. My arm felt like a knife had been dragged down it. I guess that wasn't far off what happened except it wasn't a knife but three claws from the padded paw of Paul's wolf.

Memories of the James incident flashed in my mind while I cried and whimpered on the ground in pain. There was a crash somewhere in the garden that my mind registered between my grunt of pain.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder but I flinched away with a grunt. "Hey! Take Bella and Y/n back to Emily's place." Sam commands the other two. His voice directly above me.

"Careful." He says sternly as one the boys picked me up bridal style. I could feel blood dripping down my arm and soaking my top. "I don't think she'll need to go to the hospital, but it'll definitely scar, ask Emily to patch her up, Embry." Sam instructed the boy I had previously met.

"Sure." He says as he walks back to the truck. Embry and I sat in the passenger seats as Jared jumped into the back of the truck tapping the side once he was in and ready.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry." Bella said as she drove along to the directions Embry was giving her.

The initial pain in my arm had subsided but I still had tears rolling down my cheek and sniffles escaping my lips as I cuddled into Embry's warmth. My mind lost in the thought of Paul and Jasper.

"It's fine Bella." I sighed, wincing as I moved my arm. "I'll just smack you later." I joke light heartedly at my sister.


To Be Continued

To Be Continued

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