Y/n moves back to forks with her twin sister Bella where they both meet a group of astonishing beautiful yet pale skinned people. Bella became caught up in Edward's world almost immediately however for Y/n it take getting kidnapped by a sadistic vam...
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Y/n's POV
Bella and mum sat outside basking in the sunlight while I was in the kitchen glass of orange juice in hand on the table with Edward sat opposite. I'd have loved to sit outside soaking up the vitamin D but mother had strongly advised against it saying it was far too hot outside for me.
I didn't miss the coddling.
I did miss Jasper though.
It was hard saying goodbye to him at the airport even if it was just for the weekend. I sighed deflated as I slumped into my seat.
"What's wrong?" Edwards' voice rings out across from me.
Putting on a smile I shake my head as I say. "Nothing."
"Y/n, I can read your mind." Edward said with a slight hint of amusement when I rolled my eyes. "Your mother's just doing what she thinks is best for you." He says.
"Keeping me trapped inside isn't good for me Edward. And besides I may be blind but that doesn't make me fragile." I cross my arms with a pout.
Edward chuckles cause me to raise a brow. "I now know what Jasper means. You really are stubborn. Just like your sister." He says.
"We are cut from the same thread after all." I reply, turning my head towards the sound of the French doors sliding open.
The way the person tiptoes across the kitchen tapping my nose indicates clearly who just walked in. Mum races in and out in less than thirty seconds.
Outside I can hear my mother handing Bella something while exclaiming "Congraduation."
"Jasper feels the same, you know." Edward speaks up as I turn my head away from the sound of my mother and sisters' voices and to him with a quizzical expression upon my face.
"The separation anxiety you're feeling." He clarifies earning a scoff of denial from myself.
"What are you about? Separation anxiety? I'm not a child." I blew a breath of air out moving the bit of hair that draped across my face out the way.
"Wasn't saying you were. What I was saying is that I get it and so does he. The six months we spent away from you guys were almost unbearable. It takes an extreme amount of strength to walk away from someone who's very existence was created for yours..." He trails off as I lean forwards, hand blindly patting at the table as I try to locate my glass which he eventually pushes towards me.
"If it's any consolation he's been messaging me for updates every few hours. You're not the only one who feels the way you are." At his words I smile slightly, hiding it behind my glass as I take a sip.
"Thanks Edward." I regard feeling a bit better and thankful that the boy tried to comfort me. After that the two of us kept talking. It was weird since now I've only just realised the two of us have never really spoken or spent time together, always to caught up in our own worlds with each others sibling.