🥀 Ch.14 🥀

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3rd Person POV | 30 Minutes Before Present Time

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3rd Person POV | 30 Minutes Before Present Time

"Okay, I've got it! I've got it! I'm all right!" Bella yells as Edward frantically fumbles around with her seat belt. Letting go, Edward slams the door to her side, quickly walking around the jeep to the driver's side.

He was scared, terrified... full of regret. He blamed this entire occurrence on himself. If only he hadn't invited her to play baseball maybe then Bella would be safe.

"What, now he's coming after me?" Bella asks in urgency as Edward jumps into the driver's seat.

"Listen to me. James is a tracker. The hunt is his obsession. I read his mind. My reaction on the field set him off. I just made this his most exciting game ever. He's never gonna stop." Edward says in a rush as he starts up the engine now taking off at full speed down the forest path.

"What should we do?" Bella asks as she sits holding onto the dashboard as the jeep jolts violently at the speed Edward was going.

"We have to kill him. Rip him apart and burn the pieces." Edward yells over the sound of the jerking jeep.

"Where are we going?" Bella asks as Edward turns down a path that leads away from her home.

"Away from Forks. We'll get a ferry to Vancouver." Edward begins to explain before getting cut off by Bella.

"I have to go home. Now. You have to take me home." She says in worry.

"You can't go home. He's just gonna trace your scent there. It's the first place he's gonna look." Edward argues.

"But my dad and sister are there. We..." Bella goes to rebuke.

"It doesn't matter!" Edward yells.

"Yes, it does! They could get killed because of us!" Bella roars back.

"Just let me get you out of here first, all right?" Edward pleads lowering his voice to try and reason with Bella.

"It's my family! We have to go back! We'll figure a way to lead the tracker away somehow. I don't know. But we have to do something." Bella doesn't relent and in the end Edward has no choice but to reluctantly agree with her.


3rd Person POV | Present Time

After a solemn drive from her house to the Cullens and a warning from Laurent about Victoria and James. Bella now stood scared and feeling alone as the Cullens went on about how to handle the situation.

"I've had to fight our kind before. They're not easy to kill." Jasper says with a start as he's the first to enter the garage and start pulling things out of the cupboards.

"But not impossible." Henry chimes.

"We'll tear them apart and burn the pieces." Emmett claps his fist into the palm of his hand, excited though also serious.

"I don't relish the thought of killing another creature, even a sadistic one like James." Carlisle chimes as a voice of reason. He's reluctant when it comes to any battles. Having always been a keeper of peace.

"What if he kills one of us first?" Rosalie asks, jumping up on the counter.

"I'm gonna run Bella south. Can you lead the tracker away from here?" Edward asks pulling Bella close, not wanting to be away from her.

"No, Edward. James knows you would never leave Bella. He'll follow you." Carlisle points out knowing their plan to divide and conquer won't work if the two remain together.

"I'll go with Bella. Jasper and I will drive her south. I'll keep her safe, Edward." Alice volunteers. She knew Jasper was also worried about leaving a certain Swan behind. Henry would be needed for muscle power and Jasper could easily protect Bella with his confederate and newborn experiences should James change his course.

"Can you keep your thoughts to yourself?" Edward reluctantly hisses.

"Yes." Alice agrees pulling Bella away from his arms and over to the black Volvo.

"Rosalie, Esme, could you put these on so the tracker will pick up Bella's scent?" Edwards asks, pulling out some jackets from the bag Bella packed to give to Esme and Rosalie.

Their plan of divide and conquer was easy; Carlisle, Esme and Henry would run through the forest leaving traces of Bella's scent in order to draw Victoria away from James.

Edward, Emmett and Rosalie would mimic this but with James and lead him north away from Forks. Once far enough away the plan is to kill James and Victoria separately, easing out the playing field for them.

"Why? What is she to me?" Rosalie definitely throws the jacket on the counter. Her and Edward were some of the longest members of the coven, Rosalie was infamous for always questioning his choices though she did it out of a sibling bond. She had after all, watched Edward suffer the longest alongside Carlisle and Esme.

See when she was changed Carlisle had hoped Edward and Rosalie would become mates, however, fate had different plans and only led Rosalie to finding Emmett. The two never developed a bond much more than siblings, and it showed.

"Rosalie, Bella is with Edward. She's part of this family now, and we protect our family." Carlisle says. Rosalie rolling her eyes pulled on the jacket, reluctant, but knowing there was nothing she could do. She wouldn't watch her brother suffer and Carlisle wouldn't watch his son live this lonely life now that he's found his mate.

"Carlisle." Jaspers calls his father like figure over. "While I'm away..." He hesitates. "Could you... if there's time..." This was awkward for him, he was so used to manipulating and feeling other people's emotions, he didn't know how to handle his.

"Don't worry son, I'll keep a close eye on her." Carlisle says placing a hand on Jasper's shoulder in reassurance. Carlisle knew the conflicts Jasper faced with his mate.

Being new to their diet made it difficult for him to accept that his mate was human. Yet the pull he felt to her was far more powerful than his will to stay away. What's more, there were extra precautions he had to take around her given her disability.

With a nod Jasper walks away to the black Volvo jumping into the driver's seat and nodding at a smiling Alice.

"Don't worry Jas. she'll be safe, I've seen it." She reassured the boy.

Nodding once more Jasper watches as the garage doors are lifted and as soon as they are he takes off driving away from Forks and leaving his mate behind, ignoring every screaming fibre in his body that irked him to turn back.


To Be Continued

To Be Continued

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