🌕 Ch.25 🌕

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3rd Person POV

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3rd Person POV

As the words left the eldest Swan twin's mouth the atmosphere in the room shifted. What was once a calm joyous moment became tense and still. Several hues of golden brown eyes shifted from the one twin to the other where stood behind her was the honey blonde vampire with wide black eyes.

His grip on the H/c haired girl's hips tightened as the scent of blood reached his nose. His eyes widen as he tries desperately not to breathe in. His ironclad grip on the blind girl's hip caused her to squirm uncomfortably at the sudden way he was holding her.

His grip was so strong she could feel where the bruises were forming.

All Jasper could hear were the two heartbeats in the room pumping fresh blood around their body. The one closest to him set his instincts into a frenzy as the one stood a few feet dried up his throat in thirst. He could feel himself losing control no matter how hard he tried to ground himself.

"Jasper, you're hurting me." A soft voice called, her squirming in his hold but he ignored her. A part of him was yelling at him to let her go, to walk away while he still could. The other part of him, the one that craved human blood, told him to devour both the girls.

His grip tightened around the girl causing a small yelp to escape her lips as the blood trickling down the brunette sisters hand dropped to the floor. Jasper breathed in sharply as his eyes landed on the sister, a low animalistic growl leaving his lips as the desire to feed took over him.

In an instant he shoves the girl he's holding away as he starts for her sister. Edward who stood next to his mate mimicked his actions, shoving Bella with a little bit too much strength away from the vampire. The girls both went flying, Bella into a painting and table decorated with glass vases while Y/n fell back hitting the corner of her head sharply on the steps of the stairs.

As the girls fell, Jasper who ran at vampire speed was pushed back by Edward's strength into the piano the youngest twin had been playing so elegantly the day before. The collision didn't even phase the vampire as he sped to get up and resume his attempt at the girls as the other Cullens glanced at them briefly upon the sound of glass shattering and a loud thud of the youngest head.

Y/n slumped to the ground passed out with blood dripping from her head meanwhile Bella slowly sat up hand shakily hovering over the deep cut with glass sticking out of her arm.

Jasper resumed his pursuit seconds after colliding with the piano. Using his inhuman speed he made a beeline for the girl directly in front of him, Bella. As he did Emmett and Carlisle were quick to intervene this time.

Jasper even in a deranged state wasn't so easily subdued; his newborn background and confederate training allowed him to swiftly dodge under Carlisle's attempt to capture him. He spun around to continue his pursuit but forgot one of the key points in his training. Never turn your back on your enemy. Emmett and Henry during the boy's mistake were able to latch onto his arms.

Jasper hisses at Bella as he fights against the strong muscular holds of the McCarty brothers. Grunts of hunger left him as Alice, who was Jasper's best friend among his siblings, came up to help calm him down.

"Jaz, Jaz. It's okay. It's just a little ...blood." The pixie haired girl said her voice trailing as she gulped. Much like Jasper, Alice had once fed off of the blood of humans although she was faster to master the restraints of it she too hadn't been away from human blood long enough to completely restrain herself at times.

Jasper snarls at Alice's words, the girl turned towards Bella. The room fell tense once more as Bella watched on from where she knelt, Jasper boring hole into her.

A groan near the stairs drew their attention away from her though as the youngest Swan slowly lifted herself off the ground touching the side of her head and feeling the wet silky red liquid which had trickled down her face and neck.

"Jasper." She whispered, catching the honey blonde's attention in such a way that he relaxed slightly against his brothers holds as he looked at the girl. Watching her wince as she struggled to sit up, reaching deep into the animalistic instincts of his and straight to the heart of the man who had always been so tender with her.

"Get Jasper out of here." Carlisle tells the brothers as he notices the honey blonde boy staring at his mate with guilt and regret and not the same hunger he had moments ago.

He dashed over to Bella while Esme came to help Y/n. Y/n hissed in pain as her body painfully unfolded to stand up straight. Her hands flew to her hips and head, dizziness washed over her again and a searing pain erupted from her hips. Esme held her tightly though making sure she didn't fall.

Meanwhile Carlisle assesses Bella while Jasper is led out of the room by his brothers and sister. Except for Edward who stood looking uncomfortably at Bella.

"I'm sorry, I can't." Alice mutters apologetically as she walks away.

"I'll have to stitch this up in my office. Check on Jasper. I'm sure he's very upset with himself, and I doubt he'll listen to anyone
but you right now..." Carlisle directs at Edward who just looks at the blonde Doctor, frozen to his spot.

"Edward." Carlisle demands resulting in the bronze brunette to slowly walk away in the direction Jasper was led.

"What happened?" Y/n asked as she shook her head trying to clear the dizziness but hisses as it made it worse.

"Don't worry, let's just get you up to the Carlisle office, ok?" Esme dismissed as the two adoptive parents of the Cullens looked worriedly at each other. They led the girls up the stairs and to his office.


To Be Continued

To Be Continued

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