Y/n moves back to forks with her twin sister Bella where they both meet a group of astonishing beautiful yet pale skinned people. Bella became caught up in Edward's world almost immediately however for Y/n it take getting kidnapped by a sadistic vam...
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Y/n's POV
So turns out Victoria's has been making regular appearances though keeps getting run off by the wolves. Bella informed Jacob why she was here, sitting down with myself and the pack and repeating what Laurent had told us.
There were questions of course and when the wolves found out about the incident last year they were not happy. Especially Jacob who almost lost his cool when he found out Bella had been bitten by James.
A protection order was put in place.
The wolves spent most of their time out hunting Victoria while Victoria hunted Bella and I and our dad hunted the wolves. It was all down to this vicious never ending cycles.
Days passed since the talk with the wolves, Bella and mine's life had gone quiet while everyone was out hunting each other. One morning Bella invited me to hike up the cliff down La push. I was confused at the invite but figured she must be as bored as I was so agreed to tag along.
Oh how wrong I was.
If I had known this was one of Bella's rushes of dangers to try and see, Edward I'd probably reconsidered. As of now Bella and I stood atop the cliff, I could hear the harsh waves below and feel the sharp sting of the wind as it blew my hair and pricked at my face.
"Bella, what are we doing up here?" I asked. I moved my head to try to brush some hair from my face.
"Recreational cliff diving." She answers, I heard a shuffled
"Cliff what!" I exclaimed as I reached for her arm and turned her towards me. "Bella, it's not safe." I state. I turn my head to the sound of waves battering the cliffs.
"You're not gonna change my mind. I need to see him. You're either with me or not, your choice." My sister started, leaving no room for argument as she walked from my side.
"Bella!" I called experstedly. I ran a stressed hand through my hair, my sister ignored me. I'd walk forwards to try and stop her but being up on a cliff so high and being blind, it seemed smart to stay put.
I could hear Bella muttering in the wind, no doubt seeing Edward's apriation. I was hoping she'd turn around after seeing him. I mean that's all she wanted right, to see him, and now she had so there was no need to jump.
But the echoing of a splash came and I screamed my sister's name hesitant to step. Panic and fear froze me, I tried to move but I just couldn't.
"Don't do this." I heard his voice as my mind argued with my body to move.
"It's dangerous." His voice echoed. I took my first step using my cane to carefully direct my way.
Each step was taken with hesitance, I made sure to touch the ground hard with the cane before moving forwards. When I felt the wind harshly nipping away at my face and the sound of waves sounding below me I tilted my head down.
"Bella!" I yelled with a tremble.
"Bella." I called once again when all I got as a response was the sound of waves.
"Y/n, please." Jasper begged. I slowly stepped back and removed my jacket.
"Bella could be in danger." This was my first time responding to the voice.
"You could die." His voice argued.
"And Bella could already be." I rebuked. I put the cane down, I took a deep inhale and exhale as I psyched myself out mentally.
"You can't swim." The voice echoed, causing more doubt to flood me as I was trying to expel it.
"Yeah well, there's no time like the present." I say. I begin to run for the cliff. The wind fought against me but I pushed on desperate to get below and check if my sister was okay.
Right as I was about to drop my arm was caught, the person pulled me back and I fell onto the person knocking us both down onto the cliffs top. Warmth enveloped me instantly, my racing heart relaxed into their strong hold.
I jolted up though when I heard another splash below.
"Bella!" I yelled thinking it might be her. I got off the person and scrambled to the edge of the cliff on all fours only to be held back once again.
"Careful." A familiar deep voice barked.
"Paul?" I question while I turn to his voice.
"Jacob went in after your sister. What were you thinking? Cliff diving when a storm closed in? Are you suicidal or something!?" He yelled as we stood up.
"I... I just... Bella jumped and... I couldn't not go in after her." My voice trembled, the adrenaline I felt in my veins that was built up wore off. "I'm sorry." I whisper.
Paul sighed and pulled me into his arms. "Don't be so reckless." He said, his warm body offered a relaxing feeling. It felt weird being so easily relaxed by Paul's warm hug when I'd just gotten used to Jasper's waves of calmness and his cold arms.
I sniffed as I leaned more about his warmth, shivering slightly at the cold chill that ran along my body. Paul laughed at my actions pulling away momentarily as he walked around the cliff assumingly to pick up the things I'd discarded and Bella. I was right as I felt my jacket drape over my shoulder and my cane being put folded up in my hand.
I went to unroll it when I was scooped off the ground with a small yelp. "Let's get you home little one." Paul whispered as I nuzzled into his warmth.
"I'd like that." I say.
Paul laughed at my actions and I turned my head to look up at him. "You're like a child." He mused.
"I am not." I gasped offended. Paul kept laughing at me though so after a while I shimmed out of his warm arms, almost regretting it instantly as the cold nipped at me again. Stubbornness was a quality I inherited from my father though so I walked blindly straight ahead, Paul directed me verbally when I refused his arm because of his snickering.
To Be Continued
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