Y/n moves back to forks with her twin sister Bella where they both meet a group of astonishing beautiful yet pale skinned people. Bella became caught up in Edward's world almost immediately however for Y/n it take getting kidnapped by a sadistic vam...
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Y/n's POV
Third period was over and with a sigh I packed my bag. Classes were long and exhausting. I didn't click too well with the other kids in special Ed finding my friend laid more with Bella's groups.
Walking out of the classroom while using the wall for support I found myself walking straight into someone's chin. I stumbled back a bit holding my head. Despite being rock hard I knew I had walked into a female given the lumps I felt on their chest.
"Y/n!" Exclaimed Alice.
"Huh, oh, Alice, hello." I said dropping my hand as I smiled up at the girl.
"Ready for lunch." She beamed.
"You've no idea." I chuckled. Alice came up beside me offering her arm which I took.
'Cold again.' I noted.
Alice led me to the canteen exchanging small talk as I ignored the feeling of eyes on me again. Like my first day, it seemed I had captured everyone's attention.
Carefully, the excited girl pulled me through the halls and to the table her and her siblings usually occupy. When we showed up I could feel the group's eyes on me. I could only guess they were confused by my presence. Well all except for Jasper whose gaze felt the same as always.
"Guys, meet Y/n Swan." Alice beamed, helping me sit in an empty seat. Where I sat I felt Jasper's gaze on me directly ahead much like that night when I thought he was in my room.
"Hello guys, I hope you don't mind me joining you." I politely greeted. Alice like yesterday helped grab my lunch out of my bag. She places the packet of crisps and the tub of carrot stick on the table alongside my water bottle.
"It's fine, the more the merrier." A deep voice said with a hint of playfulness. I turned my head in their direction, at my 10. "My name's Emmett." He introduced.
"It's nice to meet you, Emmett." I smiled.
"Rosalie." Another familiar voice said. It took me a moment before I placed it.
"Oh the girl I accidentally hit with my cane. Sorry again about that." I apologised.
"It's no problem." She dismissed.
"I'm Henry." Another deep voice said, pulling my gaze to my three.
"Nice to meet you Henry." I smiled.
"And as you already know I'm Alice and sitting in front of you is..." Alice starts.
"Jasper." I said cutting Alice off. "It's hard not to notice his silence." I clarify.
"So tell us a bit about yourself, Swan." Emmett chirps up.
"Hmm, well what do you want to know? There's not an awful lot to me unfortunately. I'd used the word ordinary to describe myself but being blind makes me not so." I think aloud.
"What do you do to pass the time, things like that." He clarified.
"Umm, I used to play piano though not so much anymore. I guess I just listen to music or audiobooks." I shrug as I munch on a carrot stick.
"What kinda books do you read?" Alice beams.
"All sorts I suppose. Though I do rather enjoy a good fantasy novel every now and then." I replied.
"Oh my god same, have you read the Cassandra Clare books." Alice asks.
"Of course, they're one of my favourites." I say excitedly.
Half of lunch passed by with Alice and I going in about books with the occasion chime of one the other Cullens, except Jasper of course.
'Yup, he still disturbs me.' I thought.
"So I have to ask Y/n, have you always been blind?" Emmett asks.
"Em!" Rosalie scolds. "You don't have to answer that Y/n."
I chuckle. "It's quite alright. I'd rather people be direct and ask me than make assumptions. Yes and no. I was born blind in my left eye, however, I had vision in my right eye up till the age of six... Then one day... Just total darkness."
"That must have been terrifying." Henry states.
I shook my head. "Not really. I was already used to not seeing out of one eye. It took some adjustments, don't get me wrong. Also had me in and out of hospital for months while they tried to figure out why the sight in my right eye just suddenly went. But to be honest it's not that bad." I shrug.
"You're very optimistic about it." Rosalie states.
"I prefer to be that way. No point dwelling on something I can't control. Besides, despite what most people assume, I'm quite content with my life." I smile at the girl.
"So like, is it just black or like nothingness?" Emmett asks.
"A bit of both. Obviously I had some sight as a kid so I know what things look like to some extent. I'm aware my eyes are open and so forth and occasionally it feels like I'm just staring at a black screen but most of the time it's just nothing." I explained.
"Are all your other senses heightened?" Rosalie asks.
I nod. "Yeah, I like to think of my hands and ears as my eyes, their my most dominant senses. I can usually picture the things I touch quite vividly. Like a person's facial features for instance. And my ears are incredibly sensitive to the point that if someone called me and a train was passing by I can still hear the birds chirping."
"That's quite impressive." Henry quips.
Before anyone else can ask anymore questions the bell rings signalling the end of lunch. I stand up slowly as I place my stuff back in my bag. When ready, Alice offers me her hand as her and her siblings walk me back to the special eds class.
"It was nice meeting you all officially." I said as I stopped outside the door.
"You too." Henry says.
"You should have lunch with us again." Alice beams.
"Only if it's okay with everyone." I smile.
"Of course, I'm rather fascinated by your output." Rosalie says, her voice is softer than the first time we bumped into each other.
"Alright, then I will definitely join you again at some point. I should get into class though and you guys should get to yours before you're marked down for tardiness." I smile.
"See you around Y/n." They say in unison.
"Bye guys." I wave before entering the classroom.
To Be Continued
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