Y/n moves back to forks with her twin sister Bella where they both meet a group of astonishing beautiful yet pale skinned people. Bella became caught up in Edward's world almost immediately however for Y/n it take getting kidnapped by a sadistic vam...
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Y/n's POV
Running out of the tree line and into the field Seth comes to a sudden stop allowing me to slide off his back. Before I even have a chance to turn around properly, I am pulled into a familiar cold embrace.
"JASPER!" I gasp latching onto the man my mind had non stop been worrying about. When we finally pull away Jasper checks me over making sure I wasn't injured before thanking the young wolf and walking me over to join his family.
"How long?" Edward asks into the air.
"Minutes, maybe ten." Alice answers as I tilt my head confused.
"Till what?" I ask the girl.
"The volturi guard were sent." At the mention of the four guards I tensed up. Jasper holding me closer as even his gift couldn't help my overstimulated emotions.
All we could do was stand and wait, counting down the minutes till the Volturi arrived. Bella had asked about the wolves, mainly Jacob, only to be told the boy got injured during the fight. Carlisle had promised to go help him after the ordeal here was sorted.
As I stood with Jasper, I felt new eyes upon me. I then turn my head towards them hearing a slight gasp of a feminine voice.
"Who's she?" I asked, jutting my chin towards the girl.
"Her name is Bree. We offered her asylum." Esme answers and I nod, feeling this sudden draw to the vampire. Her gaze drew me in, this weird palpitation of my heart confusing me. Reaching my hands out, I walk up to the girl. I could feel her eyeing me carefully as I approached.
"Y/n be careful." Jasper warns.
"She won't hurt me." I state confidently. A smile on my lips when my hands finally locate the girl. I touch her face, noting her young features.
"How old are you?" I ask her, I pull my hands away.
"16, miss." She says politely, though hesitant.
"Y/n." I say offering her my hand. As she takes it I feel this sudden connection to her. Like her smaller hand in my own were made for holding each other. I walk us back over to Jasper where the three of us stand ready to face the Volturi. I hold Bree close, Jaspers arm around my shoulders and mine around Bree's. This protective nature had taken over me.
It's not long before the guard are heard gliding across the field from whence the newborn army came.
"They're coming!" Alice exclaims as we all gather in ready for whatever was to come.
"Impressive." Jane's voice is the first we hear. It felt like yesterday I was hearing it for the first time and it still left the same fear within me. "I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact." She comments.
"We were lucky." Carlisle replies.
"I doubt that." She says, the doubt evident in her voice.
"It appears we missed an entertaining fight." Alec , if I remember correctly to be Jane's brother, comments.