Y/n moves back to forks with her twin sister Bella where they both meet a group of astonishing beautiful yet pale skinned people. Bella became caught up in Edward's world almost immediately however for Y/n it take getting kidnapped by a sadistic vam...
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3rd Person POV
"What's about Jasper?" Came the worried voice belonging to Y/n Swan, her eyes darted wildly about in their sockets waiting for an answer from her soon to be brother in law.
Edward standing on the cliffs edge zones in on the battlefield locating his brother seeing him leap into the air a punch the face clean off a vampire.
"He doing good, leading the march like he was trained." Edward replies.
"And Paul?" Her voice trembled.
Edward then comments. "They're both fine."
Some time passed as Edward and Seth communicated and feedback to Bella and Y/n about the battle. That is until Edward gasps. The two human girls are now on edge, Bella takes a step forwards, her sister gripping her arm scared to be left standing alone.
"Someone's hurt?" Bella asks Edward worriedly. She turns back to remove her sister's hand from her arm.
"She's close. I can hear her thoughts." Edward suddenly declares turning to the small eighth wolf who remains with the three upon the mountain.
"Seth, go." He commands. Seth prodded off to hide while Bella and Edward walk to each other, the latter holding the girl close after reaches out and pulls her sister in.
"She knew we weren't there, but she caught my scent. She knew you'd both be with me after seeing Jasper on the battlefield." Edward tells them both. All their eyes darted about hoping to be the first to see the on coming threat.
In Y/n's case her ears were perked, mind focused on listening for any approaching steps.
"She found us." Bella states suddenly overcome with this feeling of being watched but from where she cannot tell.
"She's not alone." Her younger sister then states. Ear twitching as she catches onto the approaching steps slightly off centre left ahead of them.
Walking around a tree the familiar yet unfamiliar boy belonging to Forks emerges. Appearance different to the last time his family would have seen him. He was pale now, red eyes and blonde hair that looked fuller and healthier than it did when he lived.
Riley stares at the three watching as the brunette cowers behind her mate pulling her twin sister who stumbles slightly. His eyes train onto the H/c haired girl watching her clouded eyes dart about, soon catching his gleaming red ones and widening as she sensed the murderous intent coming from him.
Victoria did not lie when she described the girl as deadly beautiful.
Even when fear was etched into every corner of her face she still managed to capture the eyes of those in the room. Still he couldn't see what was so deadly about her. If anything his mouth watered at the thought of draining her blood. He'd imagine she'd look just as beautiful in death as she did living.