Y/n moves back to forks with her twin sister Bella where they both meet a group of astonishing beautiful yet pale skinned people. Bella became caught up in Edward's world almost immediately however for Y/n it take getting kidnapped by a sadistic vam...
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Y/n's POV
The next morning I awoke alone in my tent, I felt around in the spot next to me finding no one to be there. With a sigh, last nights memories still bothering my thoughts. I got up and changed into a new set of clothes. Wrapped up in my coat I emerge from my tent feeling a snuff of air expel on the nap of my neck.
Tilting my head up, I reached a hand out feeling the snout of an animal. I draw my hand back cautiously.
"Paul?" I asked but got no response.
"Seth?" I then said getting another puff of hair from its snout blown my way.
"Has Paul left?" I asked warning another breath of air. "Right." I say with a tight smile. I stood up after zipping up the tent, reaching out and clasping onto Seth's fur.
"Where's Bella?" I asked the Wolf, feeling its neck crane off to the left. "Take me to her." I said, the wolf walked forwards. As we approached I heard some rather shocking news.
"It definitely won't make my list of top 10 favourite evenings." I heard Edward say. Seth and I stopping nearby.
"You have a list?" Bella's voice's.
"All 10 I spent with you. Number one is when you said you'd marry me, Mrs. Cullen." Edward stats in a happy voice. Meanwhile my mouth fell, gaping.
"This is the 21st century. I at least want to hyphenate my name." Bella comments with a low laugh.
"You're marrying him?"
"You said yes!"
Mine and Jake's voices came at the same time. Mine was shocked but happy for my sister while Jacobs was angry.
"Jake, I..." This earned a surprised gasp from my sister not expecting anyone to be listening to her conversation with Edward.
"You knew he was listening!" She accused Edward while I stood off to the side lines with Seth awkwardly listening.
"He deserves to know." Edward states. Not wrong but definitely could improve on his timing.
"Jake, stop!" Bella exclaims. Listening to the aforementioned boy assumingly walked off.
"Bella, let him..." Edward tries.
"Don't!" Bella yells at him running off yelling after Jacob. "Jake, stop!" Her voice echoed out one last time. I walked forward with Seth's help.
I pat the Wolf boy thanks once I felt Edwards gaze on me. The wolf prodded on and off into the tree and I turned to the vampire.
"Definitely need to work on your timing there." I state light heartedly.
"Y/n." Edward says in an annoyed tone. I throw my hands up in mock surrender.
"Okay, I'm sorry." I say. Reaching out, I place a hand on his shoulder tilting my head to the side to try and capture his gaze with my clouded eyes. "But seriously I'm happy for you. Both of you. You make her happy, Edward."
"Thank you." The boy says the smile evident in his voice.
"When were you gonna tell people?" I ask moving my hand while we stand waiting for my sister to return
"My family already knew." He replies. I gasp in fake offence.
"How could you not tell me before hand." I say exaggeratingly.
Edward chuckles at my playful nature before saying. "Bella wanted to wait till after the battle to tell you. She knew you'd be worry about Jasper and didn't want to upset you." Edward answers.
I tilt my head quizzically at him. "Upsets me, why would I be upset?" I ask not earning a response as I hear his shoulders raise and fall. "Hmm strange. Anyway congrats." I commented turning to walk away when I remembered I left my cane in my tent.
"Shit." I whisper patting every pocket I had only to feel nothingness.
"Here let me help." Edward says, taking my hand and walking me over to a nearby rock to perch myself on when he suddenly freezes.
"What? What is it?" I asked, panicking.
"N-nothing. I'm gonna go find your sister." He said after making sure I was okay. "Seth!" He then called for the Wolf. "Watch Y/n for me."
After that really weird get away, Seth and I sit alone for a few minutes before hearing Bella and Edwards rushing feet coming up towards camp. When I heard their fast feet I slid off the rock I sat on walking forwards with my arms stretched.
My sister's hand took my outstretched one as she pulled me close, Edward standing closely next to her.
"What's going on?" I asked with a fear now coursing through me.
"It's the battle." Bella says hastily.
"It's starting." Edward replies just as Seth starts to growl communicating with Edward.
The 109 year old vampire walks away, Bella holding onto me still while Edward starts commentating what he's seeing.
Apparently the newborn army came raging onto the battlefield. A frenzy kicking in from mine and Bella's scent.
"Jacob just got there." Edward says, pausing for a moment. "He's good."
"What about Jasper?"
To Be Continued
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