Y/n moves back to forks with her twin sister Bella where they both meet a group of astonishing beautiful yet pale skinned people. Bella became caught up in Edward's world almost immediately however for Y/n it take getting kidnapped by a sadistic vam...
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Y/n's POV
It's dark outside. I know this because I can hear the crickets chirping loudly as I stand in my back garden taking in the silence. It had been a while since I'd had a moment alone like this.
I tilt my head up to the sky feeling the light from the moon shining down on me as a cold wind blows through my hair.
I stood basking in the moonlight, my clouded eyes glowing slightly as a response to the reflection of the light. My mind drifting to the conversation Alice and I had during the training for the battle.
She was right in saying the deal I made with Jasper became void when the plans changed. I knew exactly why I hadn't revised the deal until now. It was because I was happy that the deal got thrown out.
But Alice was right.
If the volturi guard shows up, they'll need an answer from me.
So what was it? Yes? No?
I sighed audibly as my head dropped. Why was this decision so hard?
Caught up in my own internal turmoil a sudden gush of wind blew past me causing me to flinch. Unlike the calm wind of tonight this was harsh. I knew who it was, especially when his hand came to my face cupping my cheek. He tilted my head up to him so he could look into my eyes.
"What's wrong? Why are you outside?" He asked in a voice barely above a whisper.
"Nothing." I say stepping into his cold embrace. "I just wanted to take a moment to appreciate the silence." I lied resting my ear against his chest almost expecting to hear a heartbeat.
I knew all too well wouldn't be there.
"Are you still worried?" He asked brushing a strand of my hair behind my other ear.
"No. I know now that either way this fight is going to happen. I can't avoid it. Neither can you." I whisper, pulling my head from his chest as I keep my gaze away from his. "Just come back to me." I say silently.
A cold wind blows past us making me shiver which Jasper notices. I feel a jacket get draped over my shoulders before my feet leave the ground causing me to let out a small yelp.
I turn my face towards where I think Jaspers is feeling his eyes lock with my own. There was this sudden intensity in his gaze that made me gulp almost nervously. He begins to walk inside pushing the back door closed with his foot as he walks through the kitchen, the living room and up to my room. He repeats his earlier actions of closing the door with his foot, the entire time, never breaking the intense eye contact.
Once he situated me on the bed is when I felt the intense gaze move. I take a moment to compose myself as I search for Jasper. Head darting around as I wait to feel his gaze upon my own.