🌕 Ch.22 🌕

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3rd Person POV

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3rd Person POV

An elderly woman with long grey hair sat alone in a rocking chair on a wooden porch. She was wrapped up in warm knitwear as she hummed an all too familiar melody: River Flows In You.

The porch overlooked a vast field bordered off by the trees of the forest. In the field stood a group of pale white people laughing, chatting and playing games.

Among them was a familiar looking brown haired girl who looked no older than she did 78 years ago. Her brown hair flowed graciously as she chased a small tanned skinned girl around in the grass. Her once chocolate brown eyes were now golden brown.

Rocking back and forth in the chair on the porch the elderly woman smiled, her clouded pale white e/c eyes wrinkled with age. She listened to the sweet melody of children's laughter and chatter. Tranquility lulled her soul as she leant back into her chair, her eyes dropping as she noticed the slowing pace of her heart.

The smile on her face had suggested she lived a full and happy life. Her humming silenced as her breathing began to slow down. She blinked her eyes open and closed at the sound of footsteps approaching from behind.

Stepping out of the rather large and luxurious stone cottage came a honey blonde haired man, eyes matching the scatter of brown eyes in the field, skin the same chalky pale white as the day he'd met the woman.

"Y/n." He whispers coming to kneel in front of the elderly woman. "Please." He begged as he took her frail hands in his.

"Jasper." Her voice rasped out. "I'm sorry." She whispered back.

"Why must you leave me?" He asked, voice breaking as he listened to each beat of her heart slowing by the second.

"I am not leaving you Jasper. Even in death I will be with you. In your heart, your soul, your memories. That is where I'll live on." She wisely says through struggled breaths.

"I cannot live without you." He claims.

"You must. You have to be strong Jasper, for our family, our children." She pulls her cold hand away from his and places them on his face.

"Promise me you won't give up, promise me you won't go to the Volturi. Promise me you'll look after Bellamy and Jason." The woman begged while caressing her husband's cheeks in tender love.

"I will. I promise my love I will look after our sons, until the day I am torn apart, I swear to you I will protect and love our boys." Jasper promises while nuzzling into Y/n's slender wrinkled hands.

With a smile and another slowing beat of her heart the woman knew she was soon to leave. With the last of her breath she spoke her last words.

"My only regret in this life is having never not seen your face with my own two eyes." She took in a shaky breath. "If I could, I'd abandon all my senses if it meant being able to see you just once... My time has come, my love..." She says her eyes drooping as death was slowly embracing her. "You'll always be the love of my life."

With her final declaration of love, her eyes fell closed for the last time, her heart beating to a sudden stand still and her final breath expelling from her slightly parted lips.

Still kneeling before her, the honey blonde boy's eyes pooled with venom unable to fall but still sting his eyes. His heart broke as he let out a yell of pure anguish watching his mate die before his eyes.

Out in the field the pale family came to a stop out the sound of anguish in the cries of their brother, son, father and or uncle. The once filled with life field fell silent as everyone mourned the passing of Y/n Hale.


Y/n's POV

I woke up with a jolt from the rather disturbing yet completely heartbreaking dream I had witnessed. I was alone in my bed as I expected to be yet yearned to feel that person laying next to me.

My mind raced at the meaning behind why I had dreamt such a thing. My heart ached as the sound of Jasper's cries still echoed loudly in my head.

I felt a tear drip down the side of my face from where I still laid on my back in my bed. A knock resonated from beyond my bedroom door, the person waiting for a response.

Whipping the tears so as not to arouse my fathers suspicions, I sat up and called him in with a soft voice, afraid if I spoke any louder I'd give away the sorrow I felt.

I hear him walk in with caution. "Your still in bed?" He ponders surprised while he sits on the edge of my bed.

"Yeah, I guess I was really exhausted last night." I hum with a chuckle.

"Well that doesn't matter, Happy Birthday N/n." Dad says as I feel a present being placed in front of me.

"Dad my birthday isn't till tomorrow." I chuckle as I run my fingers along the present.

"Ah come on now, when have we ever celebrated yours and Bella's birthdays on different days, hmm?" He quips, having used the same argument as Bella had yesterday.

"True." I smile.

"Go on, open it." He ushers as I eagerly, with a childlike excitement, begin to tear the wrapping paper off.

It was a shoe box which had been wrapped in wrapping paper. I pulled the lid open and felt around. The first thing I felt was a smaller box taking up half the box. I pulled it out and felt around the front of the box, instantly finding the braille.

"Replacement ends for my cane." I smiled. "Thank you dad."

"Your mum and I coordinated. There's a few more things to take a look at." He eggs on.

Reaching in I felt something in a plastic wrap, I pulled it out and ripped the package open and pulled the item from its package. I raised a brow as I tried to make out what it was I was holding. It was a thick material, smooth to the touch made from faux fur polyester. I felt a hole on either side of the long lengthened material.

"Is...is this a cane sleeve?" I asked, remembering the time I complained about my cane rubbing in my hands and causing blisters.

"It is. I remember you saying you wanted one so I thought why not." Dad answered.

"That's actually kinda amazing dad, thank you." I said. Then I reached back into the box and felt a book. I pulled it out and rested it on my lap after double checking nothing else was in the box.

"That's a scrapbook, Bella got one and the camera. Rene thought maybe the two of you would like to capture your senior year memories." Dad explained as I searched for the braille on the book but found none and gave a confused gaze to my father.

"That sounds like mum." I laugh. Placing the presents back in the box and putting it aside, I reach out and hug my dad. "Thank you." I smiled as I pulled away. Dad ruffled my hair before standing from the bed.

"No problem." He said moving to the door. "Happy Birthday." He wishes one last time before leaving.


To Be Continued

To Be Continued

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Hear Me Feel Me ~ Jasper Hale x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now