Chapter 82

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To Elliot that conversation felt like the longer and hardest of his life however the hardest would have to be telling Sapphire that he knows that she was very sick and dying. They were at the beach all day long until it was nearly sunset. Anissa fell asleep on the towels in the sand under an umbrella. Everyone finished eating and were ready to start heading home. Luke picked up Anissa and held her in his arm like he did when she was a baby. Sapphire walked with him with her head on his shoulder. They packed up all the towels, beach chairs, umbrellas, and shook off all the sand on their feet and finally drove home.

After everyone showered and put on fresh clothes Sapphire was sitting in the living room by herself reading. Elliot came in with some of her favorite dessert that he made for her from scratch. He sat down and next to her and gave it to her with a certain look that she definitely had never seen before so she was really curious about what he was up to.

"Okay, so my favorite dessert that you haven't made since I was like 14" Sapphire said giving him a weird look "so what's going on? You definitely have something to say"

"I do have something to say and it's really important" Elliot said

"Did you meet a girl?" Sapphire said getting really excited "what's her name? Does she live on campus like you do?" She said getting really happy

"No i didn't, this isn't about me"

"Oh okay so then what's this about?" Sapphire asked

"So I came here for a specific reason because I found out only one of us would be leaving this country"

"No way! Your moving to Australia! Elliot that's amazing I'm so happy for you" Sapphire said hugging her brother

"No Sapph your the one who isn't exactly leaving normally"

"Who told you?" Sapphire asked

"Mackenzie" Elliot whispered

"I'm going to kill her"

"Don't because she told me because she thought I should know because obviously it's not important enough for my own sister to tell me"

"You think I didn't want to I just didn't know how. It would be the hardest thing I would have to say out loud especially to you" Sapphire said "I never wanted to believe it was actually true that why it was a secret"

"You should have told me yourself"

"I know, I'm sorry"

"I rushed straight over here when Mackenzie called me I was so scared that something were to happen to you when I'm not here"

"You know I'm not a little girl anymore"

"I don't care your my little sister and forever till the day you die or the day I die I will protect you and make sure your safe"

"Well it's official I'm going to die before you. I'm just so scared what's going to happen to everyone what if they all fall apart and not be friends anymore" Sapphire said eating her dessert crying

"You have to believe that they'll be okay"

"I can't believe in something I already knew the answer too"

"You have to tell Luke and Anissa what's going on" Elliot said

"I can't do that" Sapphire said nervously "they would never be able to move on from that"

"But you owe it to the two people you love most in this world the truth about what's going on"

"When I'm in the hospital I think the view will speak for itself"

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