Chapter 36

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After giving the cat back to Aleisha she began walking back to Luke's house. She checked her phone to see the time and the top of her screen read 10:48. She got back to the house and went into Luke's room to tell him what just happened. She walked in and picked up the picture of him and Aleisha.

"Does Aleisha ever wear her hair curly?"

"No she hates it curly....she would always straighten it for school why?"

"Because i'm pretty sure i just met Aleisha"

"How??" He said shooting up from his bed

"Her cat got out and I brought it back to her house and she opened the door and introduced herself when she thanked me"

"That's weird" he said

"Well i'm gonna go to bed goodnight" Sapphire said to Luke as she kissed him good night and left his bedroom to go in the guest room with Sophia.

When she went inside she put her pajamas on and brushed her long hair. She woke up Sophia and told her what happened and Sophia began telling her about when they would leave Australia.

"I talked to Piper and she said the plane we she will meet us at the airport in 4 days to get us on a flight back to America"

"4 more days with Luke. I think i can live with that"

They said their goodnight and went to sleep. 

*The next morning* 

Sapphire got up very early and went to the dresser to get her notebook. She decided a long time ago that she should write down everything that happens to her in a different way. She wrote down about her being in Australia and her encounter with Aleisha. By the time she was done writing it was already almost noon. And Luke came into the room asking if Sapphire wanted to go to the beach with him that day. She agreed and got ready. She put on an all black bikini top and bottom with black lace coming off the top of it. She put a white lace cover up on and her sunglasses as well with them. Her and Luke left his house and walked to the beach together. As soon as they stepped onto the beach fans swarmed them to get a picture with Luke. This was the first time they were out together as a couple.

"Hey guys, i'd love to take all the pictures in the world with you guys but i'm here with my girlfriend to spend the day. I hope you guys understand"

"Luke it's fine take a few pictures. I'm going to go find us a spot to sit down. Just meet me when your done"

He gave Sapphire a quick kiss on the lips as she walked away onto the beach. Luke stayed by the entrance and took some pictures with fans. When a young girl came up to Luke she asked him for a picture and when she was done she said to him "your girlfriend is beautiful" she continued saying "you have made an excellent decision Luke" and she walked away. About 10 minutes later Luke came and sat down next to Sapphire on the sheet laid out on the sand.

They spent all day on the beach. They went swimming in the ocean, played volleyball in the sand, and just sat talking to each other. They didn't want to leave the beach because the sun was just starting to set on the horizon. The sky turned into these beautiful shades of red, pink, and orange. They sat there together watching the sunset until it began getting cold out. Luke took a zip up sweatshirt out of his backpack and wrapped it around Sapphire's shoulders. When she yawned they decided to leave the beach and go home.

"Today was amazing Luke" she said "being out in public with you was incredible"

"Your right it was"

As they were walking down the street back to Luke's house a familiar girl came from around the corner walking a dog on a leash while she was on the phone.

She approached the two of them and said "Hey Luke long time no see"

He looked at Sapphire and then finally answered "yeah it's been awhile. How have you been Aleisha?"

Sapphire looked at Luke and nearly gasped out loud for everyone to hear. But only to herself she mumbled 'oh great'

"Hey it was Savannah wasn't it?" She said

"No it's Sapphire" she said giving a rude smirk at Aleisha

"Oh sorry, nice sweatshirt it looks just like the one Luke use to give me always when we dated"

"That's nice" Sapphire said sarcastically as she continued to try not to make the rude face at Aleisha

"So Aleisha when did you get a dog" he asked "I thought you like cats"

"Well my brother really likes dogs. Remember how you and him use to go look at the dogs at the park together"

"Yeah i remember" he said "well we should get going back to my house" he continued "bye Aleisha it was nice seeing you"

"Bye Lukey" she said smiling and continued walking forward down the street

Sapphire and Luke were walking down the street and Sapphire couldn't help but make a disgusted face and was shaking her head.

"Well that was interesting" sapphire said

"That was....something" Luke said

"Did you really give her this sweatshirt?"

"I guess so" he said shrugging his shoulders. "I don't really keep tabs on who I give sweatshirts too throughout my years"

"So you give your sweatshirts to a lot of girls" she joked

" i just....."

"Chill out Luke i'm just kidding"

He laughed and put his arm around hers keeping the sweatshirt on her shoulders as they walked home.

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