Chapter 13

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When Sapphire drove home she couldn't help but walk into her house smiling so wide from ear to ear. She was excited to tell her friends everything that happened. She was going to start laughing while she talked about running into the girl she couldn't stand at all. When she walked into her bedroom Mackenzie and Kyleigh were eating pizza laying on her bed watching tv and listening to music.

"Wow! You guys comfortable or what?"

"Nah we're pretty comfortable"

"So how'd the date go. Details!?" Mackenzie demanded

"We had dinner, and ran into that really annoying popular girl from school so Luke hid in the bathroom while i had my head down for a little then we ate he walked me to my car said we should do this again and he kissed me on my cheek" she said smiling and blushing.

"In case it wasn't obvious already, Kyleigh and I are going to spend the night here" Mackenzie said pointing at the clock. It was after midnight already. "Plus I'm too tired to drive Kyleigh home" 

Sapphire went to the top of her staircase and yelled "Elliot; Kyleigh and Mackenzie are staying over tonight by the way!" 

"Go to sleep then!" he shouted from his bedroom on the first floor 

They ended up falling asleep forgetting that it was Sunday and that they had school the next morning. When they woke up it was already after 7:00am. They knew that since they were seniors no one would care if they were late to school. When they finally got ready and into the car it was after eight so they had only missed 1st period so far.

As they walked through the hallways and sat in there classes Sapphire was petrified thinking if someone had seen her with Luke that weekend. Not knowing anything she tried acting like everything was normal. In her first few classes she sat in silence and just couldn't focus on what the teachers were saying. 

 When they went out for lunch a few hours later Sapphire had a whole bunch of unread texts from Luke and she finally had a chance to text him back. For the whole 50 minute lunch period she sat at a table in a subway next to her school talking to him on the phone. Sapphire had thought that she would have more time to spend with Luke but when he delivered the news that he would be leaving the day after tomorrow to go to a bunch of cities in the United States and parts of Canada for a few weeks. She began crying into the phone and with wanting Luke not to hear her she hung up the phone. 

She was sitting there for an extra 15 minutes making her late for class. She didn't care because all she could do was sit at her desk with her head in her forearms crying to herself. She never expected to think she would miss Luke this much when he didn't even leave yet.

Later, when she got home still wiping tears from her face she noticed a certain someone sitting on her front porch. When she knew it was Luke she ran over to him and hugged him. The two of them didn't let go of one another at all. They had never imagined to have these type of feelings for each other until they realized one would be leaving.

"I don't want you to leave Luke" she said braking away from their hug with tears dripping down her eyes.

"I know. I don't want to leave either. I know we just met and all but i feel like i belong with you"

Crying once more she hugged him again. "You know what we are gonna spend all day today and tomorrow together getting to know one another" "deal?"

"deal! Lets do this"

They went inside Sapphire's house and went into her room so that they could just sit and talk to each other.

"You know they say you can learn a lot about someone by how their room looks" Luke said looking around her bedroom

"Oh really well then tell me all about myself"

"Well based on the pictures hanging here with the lights around them makes it look like you can take pictures quite well i might add"

"Okay that's one thing. How does this describe who i am?" She says pointing to the posters around her room

"I think you have different interests. Your interested in rock music with a tiny but of rap with still the girly type pop music"

"Okay, so your basically hitting it with a bulls eye. Nice work!" She said laughing and clapping at him.

"Thanks" he said sitting down next to her

"So now i know you play sports, like different kinds of music, Italian food, and you take pictures....what do you want to know about me?"

"I don't know. What kind of music do you like?" She said not knowing what to ask Luke about himself

"I like 90's rock music" he said


She said getting up and going to her closet. She takes out a bag with the name Nikon written on the side and pulls out an old Polaroid camera. She turns around and tells Luke to smile. She takes the picture and the flash goes off. As the picture was developing Luke began to laugh because it caught him off guard. He then took the camera from her and turned it so it would take a picture of both of them. He clicked the button and the flash on e again went off.

"Aw that's such a cute picture"

"Yeah, now you'll always have me here with you when i'm gone"

"Okay. But i still don't want you to leave"

"I wish i didn't have to but i can't let the fans down"

"Your right. Instead of talking about that lets just enjoy our time together"

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