Alli- 08

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I didn't even look at him as I jumped out of his car, sprinting towards my house. I was breathing heavy by the time I made it to the safety of my room, locking the door behind me before sliding down the wood, bringing my knees to my chest.

What the hell just happened?

Surely he wasn't about to kiss me. Surely it had to be some kind of joke... right? He didn't actually want to kiss me, it was probably just some bet, some joke to see if the freak would fall for it. And I almost did.

The feeling of his lips resting feather lightly over mine sent tingles down to my toes. I almost gave in to the overwhelming urge to pull him even closer than he already was- and he had me pushed against his car, there wasn't much space  between us at all. I wanted nothing more in that moment to believe he was my best friend again, but I knew better.

The ride back to my house was completely silent, not even the radio playing in he background. Neither one of us so much as glanced at the other, his gaze set on the road and mine out the window. My heart was beating unsteadily, regret running through me. Maybe I should have just let him, so what if it was a joke? Even if it was I would have finally gotten to see what it was like to kiss him. I could see what all the hype is about. 

I jumped when a knock came at my door, my pulse jumping at the thought it could be him.

"Allison, sweetie." It wasn't. I sighed, not sure if I was relieved of sad it wasn't Luke. "Your father's here."

My blood ran cold, my hands clenching into fists against the floor. I was glued to my spot, wishing now that I would have stayed with Luke. Even though was a dick to me, he was nothing compared to my father. My lying cheat of a father. 

"He wants to see you." My mum said quietly, sadness lacing her tone as well.

"I don't want to see him." I mumbled, my head dropping to my knees. I usually ran to Luke whenever my father came around, disappearing until he was gone. I couldn't do that anymore.

"Alli, just... five minutes. Please. Five minutes and he'll leave." She pleaded, wanting him gone as much as I did. 

Sighing I stood up, brushing my hands down my jeans before opening the door. My mum looked sad, defeated even as she stood still in my door. From that look, I was sure she didn't even know he was coming, which means this wouldn't be a good visit. She gave me a pleading look before turning to walk down the stairs, me following closely behind her. 

"Al, honey, long time no see!" He was dressed in a tailored suit, a bright red tie contrasting the black and white. His hair was cut short, not quite a buzz but close enough. And he looked way too happy to be here. 

"Yeah." I mumbled, my body tensing as he pulled me in for a hug. My arms stayed limp at my side, there was no way in hell I was going to hug him back. Not today, not ever. 

"How have you been?" He asked cheerfully once he finally pulled back, moving to take a seat on the couch. 


"How's school?"


"Your grades?"


He sighed. "Al, enough. It's been years, when are you going to get over it. I am your father." 

I heard my mother take in a sharp breath, her footsteps fading quietly as she slipped out of the room. I just stared at him incredulously. He couldn't be serious. 

"It's been years? Thats what you say? You know, I don't believe me, or mum for that matter, got an apology."

"Al, listen-"

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