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"Luke Robert Hemmings, where the hell are you?" I cringed at the use of my middle name, biting down on my lip ring roughly. I wasn't sure why I decided to call her... I think I thought she would be able to help calm me down, but I forgot that she was more than likely going to rip my head off before I had a chance to explain anything.

"Mum." I muttered, another sob choking my throat. I had gone to see Ashton after I managed to get myself to stop crying in the first place, but as soon as he looked at me I broke down again. I tried to explain to him what happened, but how was I supposed to explain what I didn't understand? It didn't matter how many times I replayed it in my head, I still had absolutely no idea what had happened.

"Oh don't do that fake cry with me, boy." She spit angrily. I could practically see the steam coming through the phone, picturing her face beet red as she paced around the house seeping anger through every single one of her pores.

"Mum... it's Alli." I managed to sputter, not even sure that she was going to listen to me.

"Luke." She sighed heavily, and I could easily picture her pinching the bridge of her nose. "Where are you?"

"With Alli... and Ashton and Sara." I mumbled, hoping the fact that Ashton was here would make her a little less mad.

"I didn't ask who were you with, I asked where you're at."

I sighed heavily, squeezing my eyes shut tightly. Why did I think it was a good idea to call her? "The states." I admitted, flinching when I heard a low growl echo through my phone speaker.


"Mum, Allison was in an accident... she's in the hospital." I cut her off before she could even try to yell at me. I heard her suck in a sharp breath, and I was hoping above everything that that meant she was going to listen to me- save the yelling for later.

"I am still very angry with you... but is she okay?"

"I-I-I don't know... she had to get some stitches but I think she's physically alright." I said, sucking in a sharp breath as the events from the accident replayed in my head.

"Do you want me to fly out to you?" She asked, sighing- yet again, very heavily. I knew she picked up on the fact that something was wrong, but I could also tell that she was more than a little angry with me. I shook my head slowly before realizing she couldn't see me.

"No... she told me- she told me that I should just go back home." I barely managed before letting out another unintelligible sound. Tears were once more falling freely from my eyes and I couldn't stop them no matter how much I willed them to. I just could not, for the life of me, figure out what the hell was going through her head. How could we be so perfectly fine one second, then on a completely different pages the next? It didn't make any sense to me.

"Luke, I don't know what you want me to tell you. You never told me what happened the first time you two stopped hanging out... and all you told me this time was she left and didn't tell you where she was going. You've been moping around for months about her breaking up with you so I'm not entirely sure what you expected by going to see her when she clearly didn't want you to." My mum said softly, clearly not trying to be rude but also not sugar coating anything. I instantly regretted my decision to call her. I should have known better than to get comfort when all she really wanted to do was kill me.

"I know... I just needed to see her."

"Luke." She sighed heavily before pausing. I knew immediately that I wasn't going to like what she was about to say and she was just trying to think about how to say what she actually wanted to say delicately. "I know you really like her-"

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