Alli -36

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"He asked you to bring him soup?"


"He can't take care of himself?"

"I don't know. I think he just wants me to come over since Liz won't be home."

Sara raised an eyebrow at me, smirking slightly. "Getting kinky when mummy ain't there?"

"No. We haven't... no." I muttered, my cheeks quickly turning red.

"Mhmm. Right. Well when you do, just make sure Calum doesn't find out." Sara said, shaking her head as we both recalled the way he reacted when he found us kissing.

"Have you seen Calum since that night?" I asked softly, keeping my head down as we walked through the hallways. Sara kept her head held high, ignoring the looks everyone threw her, but I couldn't do that. I couldn't deal with looks everyone was giving us, I wish I could be as confident as her.

"No. He hasn't been in class all week."

I nodded to myself, risking a glance up only to see Lexi glaring at me. I immediately looked back down. "Why does he hate me so much?"

She sighed, stopping to stand next to my locker. We stood silent for a couple moments as I put in my combination. "Honestly, I don't know."

"I'm just easy to hate, I guess."

"No, Alli."

"Sara, don't deny it. You hated me for a while too."

"No I didn't."


"No. I really didn't. It's not much better but I was just scared to talk to you because of how everyone treated you. I'm an awful person, but I didn't want people to treat me like that. So, sorry."

"Oh don't apologize, I understand. I don't want anyone to ever be treated like that."

Sara nodded from beside me, closing her eyes and leaning against the lockers. It was Friday, and no one had seen or heard from Calum since Sunday. I knew he hated me, everyone did, I just didn't know why he seemed to hate me so much.

Sara sighed again, causing me to laugh a little. This week had been rough. Monday when we got back to school everyone knew. Luke and I didn't even come in together, we stayed away from each other as best we could but everyone still talked about it. I heard more confused talk than judgy talk, but there were still some people quick to throw insults. They were mostly sent at me, Luke only got the confused questions. Tuesday we said 'screw it' and walked around all day together. It was easier to ignore everyone when I was with him. Wednesday Sara walked with me all day, Luke skipping school to try and talk to Calum, though he didn't actually find him. Thursday Michael, Luke, and Sara all walked with me. That day I got some real rude comments, though I won't repeat what they said. And then today had just been a long fucking day. I ran into Lexi twice, and she wasn't happy about it. And I still had yet to see Luke, he stayed home again, but this time he was actually sick.

"It's really not your fault, Alli." Sara spoke up once again, pushing herself off the lockers as we headed out of school for the weekend.

"But it is. Calum got pissed because of me, and Luke punched him because of what he was saying about me. It is my fault."

"But it really isn't. You didn't do anything to Calum. You really didn't do anything to anyone, so I honestly don't know why everyone hates you." I shrugged, holding the door for her as we made it to the parking lot.

"It doesn't really bother me, I'm used to it-" I yelped as a hand wrapped around my wrist, forcefully pulling me back and pushing me into the brick wall on the side of the school. I saw Sara turn from the corner of my eye, but my focus was mainly on the fuming boy in front of me. His brown eyes were clouded over with anger, but I could've sworn I saw a little regret mixed in there with it.

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