Luke- 27

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She was asleep on my chest, practically naked underneath the covers of the huge fricken bed. I was absentmindedly running my hand through her hair, hot puffs of air being blown across my chest. There was a ridiculous smile on my face that I just couldn't seem to wipe off, my lips curled up as high as they could go for the past three hours. It's been three hours since she came out of the bathroom, about an hour and a half since she passed out on me. Not that I minded. I just couldn't fall asleep with everything running through my mind.

Today was one hell of a fucking day.

I mean, I wasn't expecting, like at all, to end up in a room with Alli. Lexi mentioned getting a room for us, but that was never going to happen. She may not have given me a choice of coming to the stupid wedding, but I wasn't planning on sleeping with her, not again. And although I had dreaded this stupid event, I was really fucking glad I ended up coming. It turned out so much better than I thought it would have.

I mean, one, Alli broke up with Harry. It was most definitely his fault, and he did something really shitty, and as worried as I was for Alli, I was fucking happy for myself. It only made it ten times better when she emerged from the bathroom practically nude.

I was incredibly caught off guard. I was just leaning against the opposite wall, worried about her after seeing her reaction to Harry and Cara. She looked like she was about to cry, and she may have let out a couple tears, but for the most part she kept them at bay. I was just worried she was waiting until she was alone, I was almost one hundred percent positive I would hear her quiet sobs as soon as the shower started. So I waited, and when the water started I listened, but the only thing I heard was the creak of the door. I was nervous to open my eyes, scared to see her broken down in front of me once again, but boy was I wrong. I think I had a heart attack when I finally saw her completely, my eyes wondering down the expanse of her body. She had some sort of black lace underwear on, doing nothing to cover her lower region, and some sort of bra that didn't have a back, it was barely half-a-bra, not really covering anything up top either.

And then she kissed me. And I completely lost it.

I was thrown off at first, causing her to pull back, but once it finally sunk it- that she had kissed me and she was practically naked- I just couldn't help myself. I kept waiting for her to protest, to stop me, but she never did. I didn't want to take it as far as I did, but I was still working on fixing myself and seeing her so exposed did not help. She had let me take off her bra, but she was hesitant with the lace piece of floss she claimed was underwear. It didn't really cover her in any way, but I wasn't going to push it.

She had come undone with just my fingers, not once, not twice, but three times before she could barely keep her eyes open. I didn't know if she had ever let Harry touch her like that, but I had a feeling she hadn't. The first time I had slipped a digit into her she tensed completely, her nails digging harshly into my shoulders, but she was quick to relax, soft moans leaving her swollen lips.

She stirred lightly on top of me, lifting her head up and looking at me sleepily. She yawned once before dropping her forehead into the center of my chest, squeezing her arms around me. I tried to shush her back to sleep, but she moved once again so her chin was on my chest and her brown eyes were looking up at me.

"Go back to sleep." I said quietly, softly in order to not wake her more than necessary. It was clear sleep was still in her eyes, she hadn't been out for long.

"What time is it?" She mumbled, biting her lip to stop another yawn from slipping out.

"It's late, or early, just go back to sleep."

"Have you gone to sleep?"

"Not yet."

"Why not?"

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