Luke- 41

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"This is nerve-wracking."

"I'm shaking."

"Is it cold, or is it just me?"

"Guys, calm the fuck down." Ashton growled at us, rolling his eyes as he twirled his drumsticks in his hands. We were currently standing huddled behind the little stage of this party. But it wasn't just a party. There were people from record labels on the guest list, there were celebrities on the guest list... I'm actually pretty sure I just saw Selena Gomez walk by.

I don't know how we landed this gig, but it could be our big break.

"Sara isn't picking up her phone." Ashton mumbled before cursing under his breath. I know he hates to admit that he gets nervous before gigs, but I also know she is the one thing that will actually calm him down. Just like he knows Alli is the thing that'll get me through out set list without messing up. I hope.

I haven't seen her since Thursday, the lads and I skipping school on Friday to practice. And Friday night Sara and her went shopping. There was no time that I got to see, with Calum being around so much more often I didn't really get to see her as much as I would have liked. She keeps insisting that she has to keep her distance from him, even though I wish she wouldn't. She's hiding and we both know it.

"Have you talked to Alli at all?" Ashton says, pulling me away from Calum.

"No, I haven't talked to her at all since Thursday." I sighed, longing to hear her voice before going on.

"Damn it." He mutters, typing away into his phone. "They're still coming right?"

"I think so."

"Guys we go on in five." Mikey calls out to us, the event planner talking quickly into her ear pierce.

I take a deep breath, picking up my phone and dialing her number. I just need to hear her voice. She picks up on the third ring, my nerves instantly calming. "Hey." She breathes into the phone, noise coming from all around her.

"Hey, are you here?"

"Yeah, we're here."


"Don't worry about it."

"Alli." I groan, balling my hand into a fist at my side.

"Luke." She giggles. "I love you and I will see you after. Goodbye."

"But Alli-"

"Goodbye." And with that she hangs up. I groan, throwing my phone back onto the table and muttering profanities under my breath.

"Well, Ash, good news is they're here. Bad news is I have no idea where."

"Great, just great." He mutters, throwing his phone next to mine on the table.

"Mate, calm down. She's here, isn't that enough?"

He shrugs, running his fingers through his hair, which has gotten really long in the past couple of weeks. "I just... I just wanted to see her before going on."

"I know." I patted him on the back a couple times, my own nerves skyrocketing as Calum slipped his bass around him. He looked over at Ashton and I, nodding his head slightly. I looked back at Ashton, who met my gaze before also nodding slightly. With that we both walked towards Michael and Calum, quickly slipping on my guitar while Ashton picked up his drumsticks.

"This is it guys. We got this." Calum said, meeting all of our gazes once before moving to stand by the entrance to the stage.

The event planner soon came back, her long red hair pulled back out of her face. She looked at us all in place, smiling and sighing heavily. "You're up."

Friction || Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now