Luke- 17

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A/N -I lied. I couldn't sleep so I wrote this last night, but the next chapter won't be up for a couple days. Enjoy :)

"I love this movie."

"Believe me, I know."

"No seriously, this movie is amazing."

"I heard you the first time."

"Like, how could people not like this movie."

"I don't know."

"I mean, it's Mean Girls. You have to like it."


"Get in bitches, we're going shopping."

"Oh my god Luke, just shut up." I smiled as her quiet laugh surrounded us, glancing over at her discreetly. Her bottom lip was tugged between her teeth, fighting the smile that threatened to break through. I felt my stomach flutter, like butterflies or some shit as I continued to look at her. But the feeling was quickly gone as the mark on her neck caught my attention for the umpteenth time since she let me in.

It was bad enough I had to watch their sweet little make out session when he dropped her off, that fucking hickey was the first thing I saw as soon as we walked into the house. That guy really liked to make his mark.

I didn't say anything, not waning to ruin her good mood. I knew the reason for her wonderful mood was him, and that hurt like a bitch, but there was nothing I could do about it. He made her happy. I made her miserable. It was as simple as that.

I just couldn't understand anything that had happened in the past twelve hours. One, he picked her up from school, only a little after two to not bring her home until two in the freaking morning. What the hell did they do for twelve hours? I wasn't actually sure I wanted to know. And two, nothing Ashton had said made any sense.

"I'm saying, I have been behind a lot of shitty things, but I never told anyone to tear you apart from your best friend."

"Are you really going to lie to me now?"

"I'm not lying."


"Luke, I had never even heard her name until that night. I was just as surprised as you were to hear your supposed best friend had talked shit about you. I fucking let you cry it out on my couch! You're my friend Luke, I never would purposely hurt you like that."

"Then the who the hell would?"

"I don't know man, but I think you need to talk to Calum."

"If it wasn't you, then he's definitely not gonna tell me anything. He lied once, he'll do it again."

"You should still talk to him, you never know."

"I just... I just really miss my best friend."

I knew I needed to talk to Calum, and that's what I was planning on doing. But once again I had found myself at Alli's door, her mum telling me she wasn't home and she wasn't sure when she would be home. And I waited on her porch for three fucking hours. How was her mum okay with her staying out till two in the morning with someone she barely knows?

"Luke?" I was brought out of my head, my eyes refocusing on the girl in front of me. Her eyebrows were furrowed, her lips parted. My eyes stayed locked on her lips for a moment, immediately wanting to feel them against my own. I even found myself leaning towards her, before she spoke my name again.

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