Alli- 32

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Alright alright alright... Alli is now blonde lol I also don't know if this made any sense, i was like half asleep trying to finish this cause I'll be hella busy this weekend, college is stressful. anyway, enjoy :)

"We are awful parents."

"At least she's still in one piece."


"I mean, it's not like we leave her in a ditch somewhere. She's been laying in my bed for the past week."

"I guess it's fine that she's at least been in a bed... I guess. But we are still terrible parents and should never be allowed to have our own kids."

Luke gasped, rolling on his side to face me. We were currently laying on a blanket in the park in my neighborhood, enjoying what little warm weather we had left. "Are you saying you don't want to have my kids?"

I chuckled, also rolling on my side to face him. "Are you saying you want me to have your kids?" He smiled widely before opening his mouth, but I continued before he could speak. "You want the freak, the loser, to have your babies?"

He glared at me, though I couldn't tell if it were playful or not. "You are not a loser, and you are not a freak." He spoke slowly, and I could tell that me talking like that really bugged him, but I couldn't help it. His defense mechanism was sex, mine was this. "And to answer your question, maybe one day. Obviously not now because we would make terrible parents now, but when we get older."

A blush worked up my neck, not exactly sure why we talking about this. But how that we were its like I couldn't stop, I was suddenly very curious. "Really? You'd want me to have your kids?"

He licked his lips, blue eyes shining brightly n the sunlight. "Yeah. I mean, I'd rather it be my best friend than some bitch like Lexi."

"You know, you were very fond of Lexi a couple of months ago, what changed?"

He scoffed, rolling his eyes before moving to lay on his back once again. I stayed on my side to look at him, and it really hit me how beautiful he was. He had his hair flat today, which was like the first time in forever, and in all honesty I think I liked it better. It was more natural, like he wasn't trying hard, that he didn't actually care what people thought, even though he still looked incredibly attractive. He had some stubble around his chin, a little bit of a beard growing. It made him look a lot like his brother, but even so more like himself. The black he always wore suited him, even though he started wearing it for the wrong reason, but today, when he didn't try to look like this badass who didn't give two shits, he looked more like himself. He was acting like the Luke I knew a year ago, and I was slowly falling, feeling myself begin to trust him again.

"She thinks I'm in love with her."

"In love with Lexi?" I asked, my eyes going wide as I watched him continue to stare at the sky.

"Mhmm." He mumbled, moving to rest his hands under his head and his eyes closing. "But I never liked her, you knew that." I nodded, even though he couldn't actually see me with his eyes closed. "In all honesty, she was the only girl I knew I could go to without worrying I would develop feelings. I just didn't want to feel anything other than that connection, ya know?"

"Actually, no I don't. Virgin over here." I said, watching as his lips quirked up a wide grin. He bit down on his lip ring before opening his eyes and turning his head to face me.

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