Luke- 57

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I didn't know who was screaming. I could barely hear over the ringing in my ears and the constant echo of that god damned horn, but I could definitely hear someone screaming. I just wasn't even sure if it was me. 

My body was twisted in an unnatural way, my eyes clenched shut as I tried to block out some of the pain. I couldn't exactly feel my legs, and I was too afraid to even try to open my eyes to see the damage. I wasn't entirely sure what the hell had happened, but I knew that I was in an immense amount of pain and I was wishing above everything that this was all some kind of dream- no, nightmare. Maybe I had just fallen asleep in the car and needed to wake myself up. Once I woke up I would find myself leaning against the seat with Alli- 

My eyes shot open as I realized she was no longer in my arms. I remembered trying to pull her into me before... before we were hit, but she wasn't in my arms anymore. I looked around, cringing as I saw the scene before me. 

Somehow I was ejected from the car, by body landing about ten feet to the right of where the totaled car sat. The jeep had done several flips, landing on its top whereas the car that hit us was completely dented in the front. I saw Lily crawling away from the car before puking out everything she had just eaten. I couldn't see Sara, Alli, or even Jaime. I could faintly hear sirens in the distance, but I wasn't sure how close they were. 

The first time I tried to get to my feet I immediately fell back to the ground. Feeling had slowly started come back to my legs, which was a very good thing, but I was not very stable. It took me about four tries to finally make it to my feet, my eyes wide as I looked at all the glass surrounding me. There was fucking glass everywhere. At a closer glance, I realized there was also blood everywhere. I wanted to get sick. 

I ignored the feeling, taking slow steps towards the wreck. I still couldn't really hear over the ringing in my ears, but I think adrenaline was starting to take its course because the pain I had been feeling moments before was subsiding. Instead I was being filled with fear. I didn't know what I was going to find when I got to the car, and I didn't know if I wanted to know. 

"Luke!" I could barely make out that someone was saying my name, but I was they had to be screaming it. I glanced around before realizing Lily was still on the ground, blood gushing out of a gash in her arm. "Where's Allison?" Her voice was faint, weak even, but I could still hear the panic in her tone. I was feeling the same panic. 

Instead of answering her I focused back on the car, taking a few steps a little faster before slipping on a piece of broken glass. I screamed loudly as I landed, sharp pain shooting up my legs where glass had cut the skin. I didn't get to focus on it long, though, as my focus was brought back to the car as another round of screams ripped free from someone else. 

I didn't even try to stand back up, knowing damn well that it would be easier to just crawl. I cringed as I fumbled over the mess on the street, knowing damn well that bits of glass were making their way into my skin, but I had to ignore it the best I could. I didn't know if it was Alli screaming- part of me hoping it was so I could find her and get to her, but part of me was hoping it wasn't because that would mean she was in so much physical pain. I didn't even want to think about the pain she was bound to be in, whether it was her screaming or not. 

I groaned loudly when I sliced my hand, watching the blood rush out of the cut before crawling my way the last foot. I took a deep breath before pushing through one of the broken windows, my eyes immediately landing on Sara. She was the one screaming. 

"Sara!" I yelled my heart twisting as I noticed a large shard of glass sticking out of her shoulder. It was entirely drenched in blood, as was the ground around her. I wasn't sure how much blood she had lost, but I didn't think she would be able to lose much more. "Sara!"

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