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When I woke up I was colder than I had expected to be. It took a few moments before I realized where there should have been a body pulled into my chest, there was nothing. I reached out blindly, not wanting to open my eyes just yet. I still felt drained from everything that had happened yesterday, my eyes still slightly swollen from the crying fest I had had to endure. 

I groaned when I couldn't find the body that was supposed to be there with me, peaking an eye open to see that the opposite side of my bed was empty. I frowned, sitting up slowly before looking around. My eyebrows furrowed as everything looked the same as it had last night, my door was still closed but she wasn't here. 

I started panicking, shoving all the blankets off me before running around the house. I think I had gone through three sweeps of every room before realizing she was gone. It was when I ran back into my room that I realized all of her clothes were gone. My heart was pounding, my head starting to ache as I ran through the events of yesterday in my head. It had happened, right? It wasn't all some sick twisted dream? I hadn't just conjured the whole thing in my head to make me feel better about screwing her over again, did I? 

No. There was no way in hell. Calum told me he was in love Michael... that was real and so was everything after that. So where the hell was she? 

I made a beeline for my phone, my hands fumbling over the device before I finally got it unlocked and hit her contact. It rang... and rang... and rang before it went to voicemail. I groaned, pressing her name again... and again... and again. I called her about five times before realizing she was back to ignoring me. She had told me she still loved me, she even showed me she loved me, but here I was yet again... alone. 

I threw my phone at the wall, and that was when I saw it. I wasn't sure how I missed it, but sitting on the nightstand next to my bed was the t-shirt of mine she had put on before falling asleep. It was folded neatly, a piece of paper sitting on top of it. I suddenly had a hard time breathing, my feet carrying me oh so slowly towards the letter I was sure I didn't want to read. 


I never would've imagined having to write you this letter, and I really am sorry I didn't have the courage to say this to your face. There was a time when I though we would be friends forever, and then there was a time where I knew I would love you forever, and I hope you never forget that I really do love you. But over the past year we have been through too much, people have purposely mettled in our relationship and made it hard for us to hold on. We have both changed too much, and not for the better. As much as I love you, I know that us being together right now would not be good for either of us. Even though being with you is the happiest I have ever been, we need to go our separate ways, at least for now, to grow on our own.

Please don't blame anyone, okay maybe blame Lexi, but don't blame Calum. I think you need to forgive him. Even though he did something really shitty, you always seemed happier with him around. So please, if you do anything for me, just forgive him.

And before you think about running to my house, I won't be there. I was too scared to tell you last night, I didn't want to hurt you any more than I already had, but I got approved to graduate early and my mom thought it was a good idea to get me out of here. I won't tell you where I'm going, because, well, I know you. Don't try to come after me, I need space, Luke. I need time and space away from everything this past year has put on me. I need to get away from all the drama. I need to grow and heal, and I'm sorry that I can't do that with you. You have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, and I think it's time that we figure out who we are away from each other- and not away from each other as in not friends. I need to be able to live my life without worrying what people are going to say to me about you, or even about my dad. I need a fresh start, Luke, and I am so sorry to have to hurt you again. I never did want to leave you, but I know it will be better for us in the long run.

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