Alli- 10

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An overwhelming sense of nausea woke me up, my head pounding as I tried to bring a hand to my stomach. The only problem, someone's hand was already there- or arm to be exact. I groaned, opening my eyes to see a relatively tan arm wrapped tightly around my waist. It was then I also noticed the small puffs of air rushing against my neck as whoever was behind me was sleeping. I started to turn my head, scared of who I might see behind me, but just the small movement caused my stomach to turn. I jumped out of the bed, a startled grunt coming from the body behind me as I sprinted towards the bathroom. For some reason this house seemed familiar, but at the moment I couldn't put my finger on it.

I made it to the toilet just in time for the contents of my stomach to be released, my stomach heaving in on itself as it emptied. I was hugging the cool ceramic, gagging and trying to catch my breath as I waited for the next wave of nausea to hit me, my head pounding harshly against my temples.

"Jesus, Alli." A familiar voice sounded behind me just as the second wave hit, my body hunching over the toilet as I once again tried to empty my stomach. Cool hands rested along my neck, one of them pulling my hair back while the other rubbed up and down my back soothingly.

Once I was finally done, my stomach righting itself, I scooted over to rest my back against the tub, the cool hands dropping all contact as I hid my head in my knees, the little light from the window making my headache so much worse.

"You okay?" The same familiar voice asked softly, my stomach twisting for a different reason this time. That was why this house seemed so familiar, I spent most of my childhood here.

I risked a glance up at him, bringing my head out of my hands to meet his worried blue gaze, his eyebrows furrowed as he kept his eyes on me. I nodded slowly, afraid any sudden movement would cause me the nausea to come back, and I really didn't want to puke in front of him again.

"Here, I have an extra toothbrush, you can brush your teeth." He said, his voice still soft and caring as he stood up to search through his cabinets. He pulled out a blue toothbrush, searching the drawer below it for toothpaste. Once he had found it he set them down next to the sink, looking over at me and frowning once he saw I was still on the floor. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"What happened last night?" A look of pure sadness crossed his features before he quickly masked it, pulling his lip ring into his mouth before releasing it.

"Hold on, I'll be right back." He muttered, slipping out of the bathroom and back into his room. My head already hurt, but trying to piece the events of last night back together was doing nothing to help the pulsing in my ears. He came back shortly after, this time placing a stack of clothes onto the counter of the sink, glancing shyly back at me. "You can wear these, I'm sure it'll be more comfortable than that." He said before he quickly retreated back to his room, shutting the bathroom door behind him.

My gaze stayed glued to the door, annoyed that I couldn't remember what happened last night. I remembered by dad showing up before I decided I wanted a drink. I remembered seeing Ashton and Sara, and Michael with that group of girls. I faintly remember someone with curly hair- Harry, maybe?- but after that everything goes fuzzy. I don't ever remember seeing Luke.

Scratch that, a vivid image of Luke and Lexi was seared into my brain.

I took my time standing up, steadying myself by the sink before looking into the mirror. I immediately winced, my hair going in all different directions, the little bit of eyeliner I actually had on smeared under my eyes and accenting the bags that could clearly be seen, and there was a dark bruise on my collar bone-  wait... was that a hickey? Was there an actual hickey on my chest? On me? Oh lord, did Luke leave it? That couldn't be right, he was with Lexi. So, why did I wake up in his arms?

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