Luke- 21

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Her lips were warm against mine, but she barely stayed there for a second before she pulled back. 

"I can't kiss you Luke."

"Why not?"


"What about him?"

"I'm dating him."

"But you love me."

"I will not cheat on him. And you're drunk anyway, you probably won't remember this in the morning."

"I will."

"You don't know that." She pulled away from me, bringing her legs up to her chest. "Luke... I don't... I don't-" She stopped mid sentence, pushing her face against her knees, sighing loudly. 

"You don't what?"

"I don't know if I can trust you." 

"Why not?"

"You know why."

"So what are you saying?" I repeated her words, watching as she lifted up her head to give me a sad look. 

"I'm saying, I can't... be what you want." 

My heart sunk, the truth slapping me like the bitch I was. "You can't be mine." She shook her head slowly, confirming exactly what I already knew but didn't want to accept. "Why not?"


"Because of Harry?" She nodded, her gaze diverting from my own. "He makes you happy?" She nodded again, a tear falling from her eye. "Will you ever trust me again?"

"I don't know."

"Do you believe that I love you?"

She shrugged, her head falling back to her knees. "You had to be drunk to admit it...." She said sadly, her breathing labored. 

"I'm sorry." I muttered, before pushing myself off her bed and stumbling out of her house. 

"You remember all that? Even after you drank my entire fridge?"


"And she called you this morning?"


"And you told her you didn't remember."


"And you went to Lexi's after you left?"


"And you slept with her?"


"Three times?"

"Yup." I sighed, immense hatred for myself rushing through my body. "I'm so fucking stupid."

"I'm not even gonna argue that, you fucked up big time."

"I know."

"You literally told her you loved her and then fucked somebody else."

"She rejected me!"

"So you rebounded." I nodded solemnly, feeling absolutely disgusted. As soon as I got home I had showered, washed my body twelve times and still didn't feel any better. I could still feel Lexi's flushed body on top of me. I hated it. "You know," Ashton started, handing me a water bottle. "she did good, not kissing you since she has a boyfriend, you can't blame her for that."

"But she said she loved me."

"Yeah, but you've fucked her over more times than you'd like to admit. You can't just expect her to jump on the Luke train when she isn't even sure you're telling her the truth."

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