Luke- 53

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"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I screeched, wanting nothing more than to throw my hand into the wall yet again. 

"Luke calm down." 

"Fuck off Ashton." I growled, still glaring at his girlfriend. She lied to me, and I was getting extremely sick of these games both her and Alli seemed to want to play. "What the fuck do you mean you don't actually know where she is?" 

"Luke... I... I just wanted to buy her mom some time and you needed to get your hand checked out, clearly." She said, sighing heavily as she motioned to my now braced hand. I refused to let the doctors cast it, but thankfully they said a brace would work just fine. 

"You can't play me like that, fucking hell." I mumbled, gripping the ends of my hair as I started to pace. Ashton, Michael, and Cal were leaning against Ash's car and were all watching my moves carefully. Sara was standing off to the side, her eyes glued to the ground as she continued to fumble with her hands in front of her. "Have you... have you actually spoken to her?" 

"I... I... well-"

"Sara stop bullshitting me. She... she was not okay." I groaned, my voice cracking as I recalled the way she spoke. Her voice was on a loop in my head, no matter how hard I tried to stop it... I just couldn't. Something was wrong and I knew I wouldn't be able to focus on anything else until I figured out what it was. "Sara... all I... all I can picture are the scars on her legs... and her hips... and that day I walked in on her and there was so much blood running down her thighs... Sara please tell me you've at least talked to her." I pleaded, her gaze finally lifting from the ground to look at me.

"I talked to her once. It was about two weeks ago... she actually called me to ask how you were doing." She admitted, my heart skipping a beat. "She said... she said that you had called her about a hundred times and left about half a hundred voicemails."

"I did." I said, managing to let out a half-assed laugh. I had lost count of how many times I had actually called her, I just knew my heart kept chipping away each time she didn't answer. 

"She was worried... she was completely fine, though, when she talked to me. She- she had a job, she was in a nice apartment, she had made a couple friends... she said she was happy for the most part."

"Happy." I muttered, my heart sinking just the littlest bit. So she was happy without me. 


"Well she wasn't happy when she called her mum." Sara gave me a sympathetic look, clearly feeling guilty for having lied to me. "Please... just please tell me you at least have an idea of where she is." 

She shook her head slightly, biting her bottom lip for a moment before speaking again. "She wouldn't say. She said she didn't trust me not to tell you." She whispered, taking a cautious step forward before putting a hand on my shoulder. "We can go see her mum, though, I'm sure we can get it out of her." She tried to joke, cracking a timid smile. I tried to return one, but I think it looked like more of a grimace. 

"So... how about we all get in the car... and we can all go harass her poor mother until she gives it up?" Mikey piped up, pushing himself off the car to pat my back and gently shove me towards the vehicle. I shook my head, Cal giving me a small smile before we were all piling into Ashton's car. 

Ashton was silent as he slipped into the drivers seat, Sara taking the passenger seat and leaving me, Mikey, and Cal in the back. I somehow got stuck in the middle, my legs bending awkwardly in the small car. It stayed quiet for about a half hour, neither Ash nor Sara bothering to even put on some music. I could feel the tension building in the car, everyone wanting to say something but not entirely sure how to say it. Michael was the first to break the silence. 

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